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20 May 2024

Stronger starts, brighter futures

Learning and development in the early years of a child’s life has lasting impacts throughout the life course. This research examines the early development trajectories of children from CALD backgrounds in Australia by exploring the existing evidence base and analysing data from the Australian Early Development Census, conducted every three years. The analysis includes national data along with a breakdown for each of the three most culturally diverse jurisdictions: New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

Both phases of this research found that children from CALD backgrounds are more likely to be developmentally vulnerable at school entry than other children and much less likely to attend most types of early childhood education (e.g. preschool). In addition, the 2024 report highlights the impacts of socio-economic background and English language proficiency on the developmental trajectories of children from CALD backgrounds. The reports make a series of recommendations aimed at reducing developmental disparities among children to secure Australia’s social, cultural and economic future.

Download report 2024

Stronger starts, brighter futures II
Stronger starts, brighter futures II

Download report 2021

Stronger starts, brighter futures
Stronger starts, brighter futures