About MSW
We offer organisations an opportunity to book a wide range of highly skilled in-language and in-culture professionals. Our 170+ Multicultural Support Officers build trust and rapport through lived experience and shared culture. This enables them to connect more meaningfully by offering enhanced levels of support across 50+ different languages throughout NSW and Queensland.

Our 170+ Multicultural Support Officers (MSOs) build trust and rapport through lived experience and shared culture. This enables them to connect more meaningfully by offering enhanced levels of support across 50+ languages throughout New South Wales.
How we help

Benefits to your organisation
Embracing diversity and building cultural responsiveness is integral to every business and organisation. Developing and promoting engagement with culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) empowers your participants by establishing their autonomy to help them thrive and realise their full potential. In addition, your business or organisation can tap into the knowledge and understanding derived from our long history of serving multicultural communities and established relationships.
Support provided by Multicultural Support Officers
In-language and in-culture services for activities such as:
- Supporting individuals and families in the CALD community: including settlement orientation, form filling, building digital literacy and connecting communities with services and activities
- Engagement, transport and supervision of children and young people in care
- Workshop facilitation or support
- Co-designing services, programs, and projects
- Community Engagement: supporting business to connect to community
Specialist services
Our Multicultural Workforce includes Multicultural Support Officers who have acquired additional skills developed through study and experience in Australia and overseas.
Our wide range of specialised skills include:
- Administration and customer support
- Research and data collection (NSW only)
- Case management
- Accredited interpreting and translation
- Tech support for online events
- Events support
- Complex case support
- Specialised children and young people support (NSW Metro and Victoria Metro only)
How are our services offered?
There are several flexible ways that our Multicultural Support Officers can be engaged, including in-person and online, as well one-off or as an ongoing arrangement. They are based on an hourly rate, with a minimum engagement of three hours for in-person services and one hour for remote services.
Get in touch
Contact us to find out more about how we can be of value to you: workforcebookings@ssi.org.au
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