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Showing 161 to 180 of 1561 search results


Showing 161 to 180 of 1561 search results



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The Rights Path project

A collaboration between SSI and NDIS providers to empower participants from CALD backgrounds with the resources and agency to exercise their rights.

Youth Transitions Support Program (YTS)

Connect youth from diverse backgrounds with the community through recreational activities.

Foundations for Belonging 2023

Insights on the concerns & hopes of different segments in Armidale.

New research highlights common bond between refugees and Australias First Nations peoples 

Parallel experiences create a common bond between refugees and First Nations people living in Australia, according to ground-breaking new research released today by non-profit SSI and Western Sydney University.  

DFV funding a win for migrant and refugee women and children

Funding for a specialist multicultural domestic and family violence centre, announced in today’s NSW State Budget, will greatly enhance support for some of the state’s most vulnerable community members, according to leading non-profit SSI.

Peter’s journey of resilience, empowerment and taking part in the community 

Peter’s life took a turn in 2022 after being diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative eye disease that causes severe vision impairment.