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Showing 121 to 140 of 1373 search results


Showing 121 to 140 of 1373 search results



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SSI wins inaugural CAPS Child Protection Week Award

SSI has won the inaugural CAPS Child Protection Week Award for its COVID-19 and Me 2020 booklet developed by the SSI Multicultural Child and Family Program in collaboration with My Forever Family NSW and the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA).

SSI signs Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations

Settlement Services International (SSI) is among the first organisations in Australia to sign the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations.

SSI offices turned into vaccination hub for asylum seeking communities

On Thursday, SSI began facilitating the vaccination of people from asylum and refugee backgrounds out of our Parramatta office, as part of Western Sydney Local Health District’s outreach program to reach vulnerable communities.

SSI welcomes Budget’s injection of funds for migrant communities and frontline FDV services

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the Federal Government’s Women’s Budget Statement and its Budget 2021 women’s safety package, in particular measures to help culturally diverse women victims of family and domestic violence (FDV).

SSI and Allianz mark five years in partnership; almost 200 refugee scholarships awarded to date

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) are proud to mark five years of partnership with almost 200 (177) scholarships cumulatively granted to support people of refugee backgrounds achieve independence in Australia. The milestone was celebrated at the annual Allianz SSI scholarships ceremony held virtually where 20 individuals from a refugee background were awarded scholarships; […]

Refugee artists’ showcase seeks to ‘future-proof’ their professional careers

Accom News | Published: Friday, 09 April 2021 In 2020, as COVID-19 was turning the world upside-down, eight artists embarked on an immersive and artistic professional development program exploring their refugee experiences. Their goal: to maximise opportunities within the Australian arts sector, where their voices had been generally neglected and unheard. Read more

ROSEMARY’S WAY To Hit Aussie Cinemas

Subculture Media | Published: Wednesday, 07 April 2021 Fan Force have announced the cinema release  of Rosemary’s Way, the feature documentary that has charmed audiences at Festivals around the world. Rosemary’s Way celebrates the remarkable Rosemary Kariuki, 2021 Australian of the Year – Local Hero, and the group of vulnerable migrant women of suburban Sydney whose lives […]

SSI supports refugee family with son on the autism spectrum

Iranian refugee Solmaz Hamdi Hesari arrived in Australia in April 2019 with her husband and their son, who lives with a disability.

Culturally diverse children missing out on early childhood education are more likely to face vulnerability

Early childhood education in the pre-school years is critical to a strong start in life.

SSI welcomes Closing the Gap report

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the release of the 2021 Closing the Gap report, released today, and backed the Australian Human Rights Commision’s calls for large-scale systemic reform to avoid preventable deaths and protect Indigenous health, wellbeing, culture and Country.

SSI welcomes evidence of social cohesion and endorses calls for national anti-racism strategy

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s 2020 Mapping Social Cohesion Report and its findings that Australians continue to show strong support for multiculturalism and immigration, yet SSI is concerned about the continuing evidence of high levels of racism against migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds.

SSI welcomes government’s vaccine campaign supporting culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the announcement by Federal Government to roll out a $31 million COVID-19 vaccination public information campaign.

WSU partners with SSI to ease university engagement for refugees

Refugees have easier access to tertiary education thanks to a partnership between Western Sydney University (WSU) and Settlement Services International (SSI).

SSI staff to provide local knowledge to help jobseekers find work

Three Settlement Services International (SSI) staff have been named among nine new Employment Facilitators helping job seekers find work as part of the Federal Government’s $62.8 million Local Jobs Program.

SSI and APRRN ongoing partnership advances refugee protection in the Asia Pacific

APRRN is an open and growing network of more than 450 civil society organisations and individuals from 29 countries committed to advancing the rights of refugees in the Asia Pacific.

Mother on a mission to support her sons with ‘invisible disabilities’ to live full, independent lives

Eve is the mother of three adult children with intellectual, social, and behavioural disabilities. She and her husband have uprooted their lives to ensure they can raise her daughter and two sons with the knowledge that their disability does not define them.