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Showing 81 to 100 of 340 search results


Showing 81 to 100 of 340 search results



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SSI Allianz Scholarship Program

One-off scholarships of up to $5000 to students preparing to undertake tertiary study in New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria.

Community Hubs Program

The Community Hubs Program aims to support migrant and refugee families in navigating the education system and building family capacity.


Helps participants transition from full time caring responsibilities to employment.

Multicultural Foster Care 

Providing a safe, nurturing and caring environment & connecting children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with foster carers who can help them maintain their cultural identity and sense of belonging.

Ignite® Small Business Start-Ups

Supports small business creation and expansion for people from a refugee or migrant background, people with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and others.

Migrant, refugee wellbeing at the heart of Federal Budget measures

New measures to clear Australia’s visa backlog, review multicultural policies and tackle racism show the Federal Government is putting wellbeing of all communities at the centre of its national budget, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).  

Iranian beautician launches her own business, thanks to Ignite

Great brows don’t happen by chance, they happen by appointment! This could well be the catchline of Mary Logan’s fledgling business, Mary Logan Beauty.

Gambling victim shares story to raise awareness during Gambling Harm Awareness Week

During Gambling Awareness Week, mother-of-two *Mila Ong shared her family’s story to reveal the impact problem gambling can have on an individual and those around them, and to show others that help is available.

From the CEO: Why CALD communities and organisations must support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

The proposed referendum to establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament is an opportunity for multicultural community service organisations to step up to support communities whose experiences can be similar to those of the migrants and refugees we support.

A community of carers

The community of carers weaved throughout SSI’s programs ensures there’s always a helping hand when someone reaches out for support.

Foster care vs adoption: the 4 differences you need to know

Do you see foster care and adoption as two sides of the same coin? If you’d like to find out whether fostering is right for you, it’s important to understand these two choices are very different.  

Cross cultural foster care: why it might be right for you

Lisa* didn’t expect her foster care experience to turn out quite like this: zipping around supermarket aisles, sourcing ingredients to make her first Samoan curry.

Applying to become a foster carer: what to expect

Most people begin their foster care journey with little more than a spare room and a desire to provide a home for a child in need. That’s all Lisa* had when she saw an online ad calling for more foster homes.

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Digital inclusion and family separation remain problems for refugees despite resilience during pandemic

Newly arrived refugees in Australia have been resilient in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research launched this week by Settlement Services International and Western Sydney University.

Workforce Australia review cannot overlook migrant and refugee jobseekers again

The Federal Government’s review of the Workforce Australia scheme must address a gaping hole that has left migrant and refugee communities without adequate support, according to leading non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Bankstown Arts Centre presents ‘Homelands’ for Refugee Week

Bankstown Arts Centre will celebrate Refugee Week 2022 with “Homelands”, a free, family-friendly festival, on Saturday, June 25.

SSI digital literacy course gives mature-aged refugees better education, employment opportunities

One hundred and five people from refugee backgrounds have increased digital independence, English language proficiency and access to online services thanks to a program coordinated by Settlement Services International (SSI).

Network delivers for refugees and migrants making their home in NSW

The NSW Settlement Partnership, a dynamic network of leading organisations led by Settlement Services International (SSI), is celebrating seven years of supporting refugees and migrants to settle in Australia.

SSI welcomes Budget allocation of additional places for Afghan refugees

Settlement Services International (SSI) has joined humanitarian advocates, including the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) and the Settlement Council of Australia, in welcoming the Federal Government’s 2022-23 Budget announcement of an additional 16,500 places over four years for Afghans fleeing their war-torn country.