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Showing 81 to 100 of 107 search results


Showing 81 to 100 of 107 search results



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From Youth Collective to the UN: Youth advocate attends international conference in New York and shares fresh insights on human rights

The 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) recently took place at the UN Headquarters in New York. UN entities and NGOs from all regions of the world attended, including SSI youth advocate and delegate Rooan Al Kalmashi.

SSI seeks to overcome barriers with Disability Confident Recruiter status

Settlement Services International’s (SSI) vision is of a society that values the diversity of its people and helps them to achieve their full potential, a goal that we’re closer than ever to reaching in our work with people with a disability.

SSI and Allianz announce scholarships for refugee education in NSW

Thirty-five people from a refugee background, needing financial assistance for their education or attaining local recognition for their qualifications, will get the support they need as part of the Settlement Services International (SSI) and Allianz Australia 2019 Refugee Scholarships.

SSI joins civil society organisations calling for change to housing and energy policies

A strong delegation from Settlement Services International (SSI) was among 1,900 people who gathered at Sydney Town Hall on March 14 to urge for real change to housing and energy policies ahead of the NSW and Federal elections.

From the CEO: Keep your opinions to yourself this Harmony Day

The absence of fact-based opinion in Australia’s public discourse risks undermining appreciation of our country’s rich multicultural identity. Amid the inevitable saturation of news and comments on Harmony Day this Thursday, I challenge you to look for the evidence.

SSI’s Yamamah Agha recognised as one of Pro Bono Australia’s ‘Impact 25’ Winners

Pro Bono Australia’s Impact 25 Awards recognise the most influential people in the sector as nominated and voted for by their peers.

The formidable women you won’t hear about on International Women’s Day

Awareness of women’s rights is rapidly increasing in the wake of global phenomena like the #MeToo movement and record-breaking Women’s Marches. But one vulnerable, yet formidable, part of the sisterhood is still missing out.

Free exhibition showcases work by refugee artists

Two exhibitions by refugee artists opening in Auburn this month — Fragments of Iran and ANA/MAN/MA — will showcase a range of diverse artworks that speak to the themes of resilience, humanity and dignity.

CALD disability needs overlooked by mainstream services

People born in a non-English speaking country have similar rates of disability as other Australians but are about half as likely to receive formal assistance.

Workshops will help make NDIS work for businesses

With NDIS now providing participants with more choice and control when they purchase the supports and equipment they need to achieve their goals and to live a better life, businesses providing disability services or interested in learning how to provide services for people with disabilities should be alert to the new opportunities this presents.

From the CEO: Everyone has the right to get home safely

One of the precious, and often fleeting, aspects of youth is fearlessness. We’re brave and invincible; we don’t know what we don’t know. And for the lucky few, life has not yet inducted them into its darker, dimmer corners.

Time to shine for the Daytime Singing Group

Ability Links NSW is always looking for opportunities to organise activities that bring people together, tackling social isolation and celebrating diversity and inclusion. A great example of this is the Daytime Singing Group based in Cooma, NSW who have just had their first opportunity to showcase what they love doing.

Lisa’s Update – Coffs Harbour Community News

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Settlement Services International’s (SSI) Coffs Harbour Community News! My name is Lisa Steward and I’m SSI’s Community Engagement Coordinator for the Coffs Harbour area.

From the CEO: Best wishes for a compassionate, fulfilling holiday season

The holiday season at SSI always brings to the fore the warmth and compassion that exists within our community. In contrast to the commercialism often intertwined with the gift-giving season are the actions of folk like the Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group and Ashfield Public School P&C ― just two of the many groups who, in recent weeks, have delivered gifts for the individuals and families SSI supports.

Canadian immigration minister meets refugee entrepreneurs at Ignite

Canada’s refugee-turned-minister of immigration, Ahmed Hussen, was recently in Sydney during a multi-city visit to Australia, taking time to visit SSI Ignite Small Business Start-ups at the Addison Road Community Centre offices in Marrickville.

Punchbowl restaurant changes lives through inclusion

Rashays Casual Dining recently announced that “by 2019 all Rashays restaurants will be deaf friendly.”

New Beginnings Festival brings Inner West locals and new communities together to celebrate Refugee Week 2018

Hundreds of Inner West locals recently showed their support for refugees and a thriving arts community as part of Refugee Week 2018 celebrations.

SSI welcomes State Budget support for vulnerable children and families

Settlement Services International welcomes the contribution the NSW Government is to make in support of vulnerable children, families, disability services and multiculturalism, according to the 2018–19 NSW State Budget delivered on June 19 by NSW Treasurer, the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP.

Let’s talk disability in CALD communities

More than 200 delegates and 50 speakers were part of SSI’s DiverseAbility NDIS Inclusion Conference on April 19.

SSI successfully hosts first DiverseAbility NDIS Inclusion Conference

With more than 200 delegates and 50 speakers, the first-of-its-kind conference in NSW put the emphasis on discussing issues and challenges specific to people with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background.