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Showing 41 to 60 of 340 search results


Showing 41 to 60 of 340 search results



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Return to Work

Provides targeted support to women from CALD backgrounds to help them overcome individual barriers and re-enter the workforce.

Local area coordination

SSI supports people to access the NDIS and other services and supports in the community.

Multicultural Peer Network

Find out how to form a peer-to-peer support group in your community & what free resources & training SSI now offers for community organisations to up-skill & run their own groups.

In My Voice

A series of vignettes that tell the stories of DFV in different migrant communities in order to help start conversations and change.

Building Stronger Families

Helps Arabic-speaking newcomers to build strong and healthy relationships and address issues such as conflict, stress, and domestic and family violence.

Refugee Week 2023

“It wasn’t easy to get a job. After all this experience I had in my country – 15 years – I had to start from scratch.” Read Full Story “I have dedicated almost 20 years of my life to my profession – I cannot leave it behind. I dream of working again as a dentist, […]

From the CEO: Unleashing the economic potential of refugees and migrants

Last week, I met Mohsen – a highly educated mortgage broker with extensive experience in banking. Mohsen’s journey to owning his own brokerage is far from typical. Born in Iran, he was forced to seek safety in Australia, where he had to begin his career again, initially struggling to find work due to limited English language proficiency, visa status, and lack of local networks.

Iranian refugee works tirelessly to secure his dream job

Mohsen excels after Christmas Island detention lasting 3 years.

Billion-dollar benefit: new report identifies five ways to harness untapped skilled workforce

Skilled migrants and refugees already living in Australia are an overlooked solution to Australia’s wide-reaching skills shortages, which if harnessed could inject billions of dollars into the economy, according to a new report.

Syrian refugee harnesses the power of confidence to unlock career success for others

Like many ambitious young women, Syrian-born Salwa Afif Razzouk looked forward to launching her career having completed her bachelor's degree in law and master’s in public management. Instead, the outbreak of the Syrian war forced her to set aside her career plans and leave her homeland behind.

Iranian medical graduate overcomes years of employment hurdles to thrive as a mortgage broker

Upon Mohsen's arrival in Australia, he had transitioned from being a qualified medicine graduate to being deemed unemployable. Finding himself under growing pressure to support his family, Mohsen’s priority became securing any work he could.

A dental dilemma: Sadia navigates barriers to reclaim her career

Sadia had almost completed her Master of Dental Science in Malaysia when the Taliban gained control of her home country Afghanistan. After returning home to protect her two young children, Sadia and her family were forced to flee to Australia for safety in November 2021.

Refugee salon owner rebuilds career from apprentice to successful business owner in Australia

When Iranian-born Mary Logan sought refuge in Australia, she hoped to continue her work in hair and beauty. However, her overseas experience and qualifications were not recognised, forcing the salon owner and manager to begin again as an apprentice.

Multi-ethnic creative performing artist encourages female musicians to apply for SSI’s delegation at Australian Women in Music Awards, promising ‘it’s not about competition, it’s about sisterhood’

When Marina Poša, classically trained mezzo-soprano, was chosen as one of seven female musicians to attend the Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMA) and conference last year, she was thrilled but had no idea how transformative those few days would be.

One year in Australia: How Ukrainian refugees Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives

Over the past year of war, millions of refugees have fled Ukraine — 4,500 of whom have found themselves in Australia. With no end to the conflict in sight, women like Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives in local suburbs across the country.