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Social inclusion and diversity at the heart of upcoming TEDxSydney conference

For the second year running, Settlement Services International (SSI) is the official community partner for TEDxSydney.

From the CEO: Walk together with courage

Progressing towards a unified Australia — where inclusion and belonging are the rule, not the exception — requires us to create a space where we respect each other. Respect breeds acceptance, which in turn establishes trust. Only when all three elements are in place can we move forward and truly walk together.

Fostering NSW – Carers needed from all cultural backgrounds

There is an increasing need for carers from diverse cultural backgrounds to give stability in safe homes to children of all ages.

SSI foster carers share their stories

Hear from SSI foster carers as they speak about their experiences and learn about the support they receive from our staff.

A conversation with SSI’s Turkish Carers Support Group

Operating for many years, SSI’s Turkish carers support group is a testament to their love and interest and support for each other, and support for the children they care for.

Award-winning social entrepreneur nourishes next generation of business women

Budding entrepreneurs are challenging stereotypes about migrant and refugee women, with a helping hand from award-winning social entrepreneur Violet Roumeliotis.

From the CEO: Tough border talk muddies the water for refugees

Confusing Australia’s humanitarian migration intake with the broader issues of border control and population policy harms our country’s reputation as a responsible global citizen. Earlier this week, as I heard about Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s proposed freeze on Australia’s refugee intake during an impassioned call for greater control over who calls Australia home, I couldn’t help asking, "Why now?"

From Youth Collective to the UN: Youth advocate attends international conference in New York and shares fresh insights on human rights

The 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) recently took place at the UN Headquarters in New York. UN entities and NGOs from all regions of the world attended, including SSI youth advocate and delegate Rooan Al Kalmashi.

SSI and Allianz announce scholarships for refugee education in NSW

Thirty-five people from a refugee background, needing financial assistance for their education or attaining local recognition for their qualifications, will get the support they need as part of the Settlement Services International (SSI) and Allianz Australia 2019 Refugee Scholarships.

Community advocate develops podcast to raise awareness about life on the autism spectrum

With the support of IgniteAbility® Small Business Start-ups, high-achieving entrepreneur and autism advocate Haydn Payne is developing a podcast series for high functioning young adults on the autism spectrum.

Advocate develops online platform to enable a new world for people living with Autism

Engagement officer for Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) Thomas Kuzma is developing his online business — TK Hubworld — with the support of IgniteAbility® Small Business Start-ups.

From the CEO: Keep your opinions to yourself this Harmony Day

The absence of fact-based opinion in Australia’s public discourse risks undermining appreciation of our country’s rich multicultural identity. Amid the inevitable saturation of news and comments on Harmony Day this Thursday, I challenge you to look for the evidence.

Young refugees reflect on their new home ahead of Harmony Day

Adjusting to a different culture, getting to grips with a new language, learning the value of diversity and making new friends are all top priorities for young refugees, according to three sisters. 

Settlement Services International’s (SSI) statement on Christchurch mosque massacre

It is with heavy hearts we hear of the unprecedented violence that was bestowed on our New Zealand neighbours last night. Settlement Services International (SSI) together with Access Community Services, Queensland, expresses our sympathy and support to the victims and families of the shootings at the Al Noor mosque in central Christchurch and the Linwood mosque nearby. Our thoughts are with all people of New Zealand at this time.

The formidable women you won’t hear about on International Women’s Day

Awareness of women’s rights is rapidly increasing in the wake of global phenomena like the #MeToo movement and record-breaking Women’s Marches. But one vulnerable, yet formidable, part of the sisterhood is still missing out.

Free exhibition showcases work by refugee artists

Two exhibitions by refugee artists opening in Auburn this month — Fragments of Iran and ANA/MAN/MA — will showcase a range of diverse artworks that speak to the themes of resilience, humanity and dignity.

Domestic violence funding must accommodate migrant and refugee women

NSW Labor’s pledge of $158 million for frontline domestic violence services is a step in the right direction but risks leaving refugee and migrant women in the cold, according to a community organisation that supports newcomers to Australia.

CALD disability needs overlooked by mainstream services

People born in a non-English speaking country have similar rates of disability as other Australians but are about half as likely to receive formal assistance.

Most vulnerable domestic violence victims falling through the gaps

Investment in accommodation alone is not sufficient to help women who are new to Australia safely escape domestic and family violence, according to a community organisation that supports refugees and other newcomers to Australia.

Proven, positive impact for Community Hubs in 2018

The National Community Hubs Program 2018 Year in Review is now available.