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Showing 21 to 40 of 74 search results


Showing 21 to 40 of 74 search results



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Disability advocate seeks more accessible services for diverse communities

Yasmin Farhart, an empowered, south west Sydney-based Lebanese woman living with disability, is a professional public speaker, educator, activist and advocate for diversity and inclusion. 

From the CEO: Listen, accept, acknowledge, support

At SSI, we talk a lot about providing support. But what does it actually mean to support someone? Sometimes it means offering assistance. Sometimes it just means being there to listen. Sometimes it means acknowledging someone’s challenges and showing that you accept them for who they are.

New book helps culturally diverse children in foster care maintain their identity

A new family resource for children and young people in foster care from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds will be launched by Settlement Services International (SSI) in Bankstown, Sydney, today.My Life and Me, a life story book with a cultural focus, was developed by SSI to address the loss of identity and belonging experienced by CALD children in care.

New arrivals aspire to literary canon

Welcome2Sydney provided an opportunity for nine new arrivals and four volunteer Sydney ambassadors to join an SSI group attending a Sydney Writers' Festival event at Carriageworks last month.

Ability Links kicks goals for young refugees

The latest project, launched in Lidcombe last month, helps bring together and support young refugees and their carers through a weekly social soccer meet-up. 

Workshops will help make NDIS work for businesses

With NDIS now providing participants with more choice and control when they purchase the supports and equipment they need to achieve their goals and to live a better life, businesses providing disability services or interested in learning how to provide services for people with disabilities should be alert to the new opportunities this presents.

Promoting disability inclusion in the workplace and in the community

In line with the principles of social inclusion and with the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) celebrated annually on 3 December, SSI has participated in a number of activities that not only support SSI’s effort towards building a more inclusive workplace, but also contributes to enable grassroots community leaders promoting disability inclusion in their communities.

South West Sydney businesses model inclusion for all

The Zero Barriers Business Excellence Awards held Wednesday July 25 at the Bankstown Learning and Knowledge Centre celebrated businesses and organisations across South West Sydney working to make their practices more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Zero Barriers Business Excellence Awards demonstrate shift towards inclusion

The Zero Barriers Business Excellence Awards in Bankstown on Wednesday July 25 will celebrate 40 businesses and organisations working to make themselves and their communities more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Creating more inclusive communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) has been working on a joint initiative with the Disability Inclusion office at the Department of Family & Community Services (FACS), the NSW Business Chamber and seven local government areas to foster more inclusive communities for people with disability, particularly those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Refugee Week: What’s on

Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society.

Theatre: a new old way of talking about disability in CALD communities

Theatre is one of the most ancient forms of art. The word theatre itself means a place for viewing, but theatre is more than that. Theatre is telling stories; it is turning a group of people into an audience and bringing them together to enjoy an experience.

SSI celebrates IDPwD with community, local government and business

SSI observed the 2017 International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) by celebrating community organisations, local governments, businesses and community members working towards disability inclusion.

NSP Showcase celebrates unique settlement collaboration

A consortium led by SSI last week launched the NSW Settlement Partnership in Focus, a new resource showcasing an innovative service delivery model.   

New Community Hub for Bass Hill locals

Bass Hill has joined a growing number of communities around Australia that have a dedicated ‘hub’ for parents and community members to connect with each other. Last Thursday, the children at Bass Hill Primary School performed for a large crowd of parents, students and members of the community to mark the launch of a new Community Hub, which will be led by local community members with support from not-for-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

A year of strong outcomes with commitment to continuity and values underpins SSI AGM

Human Rights Commissioner Edward Santow was the keynote speaker at the SSI Annual General Meeting held today at the SSI offices in Bankstown, which was attended by more than 80 people.

From the CEO — The refugee crisis on our doorstep

Like many Australians, I have been shaken by recent reports of Rohingya men, women and children fleeing their homeland in the thousands.

Women find harmony in poetry, music and dance

Over 350 women from across Sydney and communities worldwide attended the second annual Women of Diversity Dinner in Bankstown on July 29 — over 50 of them having been in our community less than six months. 

SSI Member Spotlight: Metro Assist

Metro Assist recently organised an orientating, educational and recreational tour of Sydney and a lunchtime harbour cruise for 40 newly arrived refugee women from Syria and Iraq.

SSI celebrates success of scholarship recipients

The delight, pride and gratitude were palpable when recipients of the Settlement Services International (SSI) Allianz Australia Refugee Scholarships were acknowledged during a multicultural afternoon tea in Bankstown on April 12.