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Showing 221 to 240 of 291 search results


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Conference to challenge thinking about multicultural women

Politicians, practitioners and women from diverse backgrounds will this week take part in a dialogue designed to drive social and economic change for multicultural women. The inaugural National Multicultural Women’s Conference 2016 – Influencing Change: Vision and Impact (NMWC) will showcase the resilience and strength of women from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds, and discuss effective strategies, services, programs and approaches for supporting them in Australia.

SSI Member Spotlight: CMRC

Senator Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, visited the Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC) on September 22, as part of a quick visit to three members of the NSW Settlement Partnership.

SSI partners with NSW Health to offer healthy cooking tips for Staple Bag customers

SSI’s Staples Bag team and a group of Dietetics students recently held a cooking demonstration for visitors at The Wayside Chapel in Potts Point, where SSI's social enterprise has a regular pop-up store.

‘Merit-based hiring’ not an excuse for excluding culturally diverse leaders

The argument that Australia’s leadership is mono-cultural because leaders are hired based on merit can no longer be used as a shield to exclude people from culturally diverse backgrounds, a panel of diversity specialists told the SSI Speakers’ Series.

Refugee scholarship recipient is pursuing studies in medicine

Young refugees needing help with their school education and adults seeking local recognition for their qualifications will be among those eligible for new scholarships worth more than $90,000.

New Scholarships for Refugees

Young refugees needing help with their school education and adults seeking local recognition for their qualifications will be among those eligible for new scholarships worth more than $90,000.  Allianz Australia and not-for-profit humanitarian organisation Settlement Services International (SSI) are offering the scholarships to help refugees settle in the community.

Conference to influence change for multicultural women

Leading academics and politicians will come together at an innovative new conference in November, designed to drive change for multicultural women. The National Multicultural Women’s Conference 2016 – Influencing Change: Vision and Impact (NMWC) will create a platform for sharing knowledge and celebrating the outstanding contributions women from diverse backgrounds make to our society.

Inaugural Arts and Refugees Forum at Casula Powerhouse brings practitioners from around Australia

More than 150 people who work at the intersection of the arts and refugee resettlement gathered from around Australia at the Arts and Refugees Forum at Casula Powerhouse over two days in August.

Multicultural women drive change at innovative conference

Participants will seek to drive social and economic change for women in Australia who are from diverse backgrounds at an innovative new conference co-hosted by SSI in November.

Arts and refugees meet in inaugural forum

An unprecedented state-wide discussion about refugee-related arts practice will take centre stage at an event that connects practitioners working at the intersection between the arts and refugees. Held from August 19–20 at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre (CPAC), the inaugural Arts and Refugees Forum will create a space for artists, community development workers, educators, and arts and humanitarian organisations to share their experiences and discuss various aspects of artistic practice by, with and about refugees.

Social support eases settlement challenges for refugee women

A unique support group is giving newly arrived refugee women a relaxed space to develop social networks and become more engaged with their new communities.

Youth activities a win for young refugees

Dozens of newly arrived refugees got up to speed with Australia's social landscape in a series of tailored activities for young people during the school holidays.

Artists, community practitioners line up for Arts and Refugees Forum

A state-wide discussion about refugee-related arts practice will take centre stage at a forum SSI is co-hosting later this month.

Community comes together for Ramadan celebrations

Refugees and people seeking asylum were joined by other people from around western Sydney to celebrate the end of Ramadan, in a series of SSI events to mark the Islamic holy month.

From the CEO – Cooperation key to creating jobs for refugees

The past fortnight has brought heartening news for the refugee community, with the NSW Government’s announcement of a new round of funding to support refugee resettlement.

SCOA Conference addresses key settlement challenges

Settlement, citizenship and policy topped the agenda at the annual Settlement Council of Australia (SCoA) conference in Melbourne today, as dozens of settlement professionals, academics and community leaders shared their views on the major issues facing settlement globally.

From the CEO – Innovative solutions for important issues

A solutions-focused approach is at the heart of all the services SSI offers. Whether it’s working with people seeking asylum, refugees, children in foster care, or people with disabilities, this is a sound approach that has proven and demonstrated positive outcomes for the individuals involved and, of course, for communities.

Young refugees have their say during National Youth Week

Dozens of young people from refugee backgrounds tackled the major issues facing refugee youth at the inaugural Young Leaders Forum in April, with employment, education and health leading the agenda.

New arrivals experience a brush with kindness

A well-maintained garden and outdoor area goes a long way to making a house feel like a home.  A partnership between SSI and Habitat for Humanity Australia (HFHA) is helping to do just that through HFHA’s Brush with Kindness program.

From the CEO – Inclusion and social harmony in the aftermath of Brussels

Harmony Day is a celebration of cultural diversity that focuses on inclusiveness, respect and belonging. At SSI, we marked the day with an afternoon of food, music and dancing that also integrated Nowruz – the New Year’s celebration for more than a dozen cultures globally.