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Showing 1 to 20 of 26 search results

“refugee employment support program”

Showing 1 to 20 of 26 search results

“refugee employment support program”


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Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP)

Supports refugees from the moment they arrive.

Syrian IT professional’s pursuit of tech career in Australia: A journey of resilience and determination

Syrian-born AbdAlmassih had enjoyed a successful IT career that spanned more than two decades in his homeland. A proficient programmer specialising in design, development, and integration, AbdAlmassih built on his experience with prominent corporations and public sector entities in Syria to establish his own IT company. “I love IT, it’s my area of expertise – […]

Iranian refugee works tirelessly to secure his dream job

Mohsen excels after Christmas Island detention lasting 3 years.

Syrian refugee harnesses the power of confidence to unlock career success for others

Like many ambitious young women, Syrian-born Salwa Afif Razzouk looked forward to launching her career having completed her bachelor's degree in law and master’s in public management. Instead, the outbreak of the Syrian war forced her to set aside her career plans and leave her homeland behind.

Iranian medical graduate overcomes years of employment hurdles to thrive as a mortgage broker

Upon Mohsen's arrival in Australia, he had transitioned from being a qualified medicine graduate to being deemed unemployable. Finding himself under growing pressure to support his family, Mohsen’s priority became securing any work he could.

A dental dilemma: Sadia navigates barriers to reclaim her career

Sadia had almost completed her Master of Dental Science in Malaysia when the Taliban gained control of her home country Afghanistan. After returning home to protect her two young children, Sadia and her family were forced to flee to Australia for safety in November 2021.

Mohammad’s journey from medicine to public servant

When former United Nations HIV Program Specialist, Dr. Mohammad Zubair Harooni, arrived in Australia with his wife and four children in January 2022, he knew finding employment would be key to building his new life.

Leading non-profit congratulates incoming state government

Non-profit organisation SSI congratulates the incoming Minns Government on its success following Saturday’s NSW state election.

Afghan refugee finds work and opportunities in Australian construction industry

Taliban evacuee Mohammad now works with Southern Steel Supplies.

Former NATO worker and refugee helps welcome newcomers whilst pursuing his dreams

Afghan refugee Zabiullah Ahmadzai, a former NATO employee, recalls his first experience of Australia. Fearing for his family’s safety, Mr Ahmadzai left his home with five family members, arriving here in January this year.

From SSI client to SSI employee – refugee helps others

Arriving in Australia as a refugee last year, Hamid Ahmad Sarwary knew firsthand how hard it can be to settle into a new country.

NSW government extends employment support program for refugees

Refugees and people seeking asylum living in NSW will continue to have access to pathways to secure, long-term employment thanks to the extension of the Refugee Employment Support Program (RESP) delivered by Settlement Services International (SSI) and partners.

Refugee doctor back on track saving lives

Saif Noori understands both hard work and hardship. Before arriving in Australia in May 2018 on a humanitarian visa, Saif was a medical officer at a hospital in Iraq. 

20 years: The SSI Story

SSI’s history is inextricably linked to its membership base.

“The more we give, the happier we feel” – SSI Volunteer Jayanthi

Immediately after moving to Australia from Sri Lanka in 2018, Jayanthi, who has more than 15 years of experience working in the Non-For-Profit (NFP) sector, began looking for opportunities to volunteer and work with Australian organisations.

How Saira found a second family while searching for employment

In March 2018, Saira* crossed the globe alone, travelling from her home in Sierra Leone to Australia, to escape her traditional marriage and build the foundations of a new life for herself, and one day her children.

SSI saddened that millions miss out in JobKeeper scheme

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the passage of vital JobKeeper legislation that will help six million workers and their families to put food on the table, pay bills and self-isolate safely.

Claims of refugee unemployment crisis miss basic facts

A high jobless rate among newly arrived refugees is not indicative of a systemic unemployment crisis and typifying it as such ignores the long-term trends in refugee settlement, according to a leading refugee settlement provider.

From the CEO: Four action priorities from government refugee settlement review

A common misunderstanding about refugees is that they are the sole beneficiaries of our country’s resettlement program. A government-commissioned report released last week challenges this misconception by highlighting all that we have to gain by effectively welcoming newcomers.