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NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety

Promoting safety for migrant and refugee women, children and families.

Shergold to take an evidence-based approach to NSW population policy

Western Sydney University Chancellor Professor Peter Shergold, who was announced on NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian’s three-member panel to develop a NSW population policy, addressed a global delegation at the International Metropolis Conference in Sydney yesterday.

SSI welcomes the dialogue on population policy and regional settlement of newcomers

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the opportunity to have a broader conversation about population policy in Australia, as provided by recent political commentary and media coverage.

SSI welcomes public discussion about population policy and immigration

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the opportunity for a broader conversation about population policy in Australia that has been recently provided by political commentary and by media coverage of Australia’s immigration figures and rising population.

SSI calls for population policy for Australia amid immigration debate

Discussions about levels of immigration following ABC TV’s Four Corners and Q&A last night are essential in an inclusive and democratic country like Australia, however we do not want to compromise our successful multicultural cohesion by focusing only on impacts to planning and infrastructure, according to Violet Roumeliotis, CEO of Settlement Services International (SSI).

Review sets progressive vision for a strong, multicultural Australia   

Findings from a once-in-a-generation review released yesterday set a progressive vision for multicultural Australia, according to non-profit organisation, Settlement Services International (SSI). 

Ali balances three careers to reach his ambitious goal of meaningfully contributing to Australia’s cultural landscape

A passionate painter, Ali balances his art and graphic design with a security job, studying and plans to mentor the next generation of Australia’s diverse artists. Ali’s arts career started at a young age. At 12 years old, Ali had his first exhibition in his local town in Syria exploring themes of nature and the […]

SSI’s 2024-25 pre-budget submission – Addressing skills shortages and promoting multiculturalism 

Amidst the challenges of skills shortages, an aging population, and escalating cost of living pressures, it is critical all Australian residents are supported to reach their potential and contribute to their community.