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People Seeking Employment

SSI's government funded programs work with employers to help find great candidates.

Foster Care Stories

Our foster carers open their hearts and homes to children in need.

The Rights Path project

A collaboration between SSI and NDIS providers to empower participants from CALD backgrounds with the resources and agency to exercise their rights.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Equips Queensland jobseekers with the essential skills, training, networks, and opportunities needed for workforce success and meaningful career advancement.

Sydney Lunar Festival 2024

Sydney Lunar Festival 2024 Lunar New Year is for everyone to enjoy! This year, celebrate the Year of the Dragon and support SSI to achieve equality of life for all.

Pathway to permanency welcome news for refugees on temporary visas

Some 19,000 refugees on temporary visas will be able to apply for permanent visas under new changes announced by the Federal Government today.

SSI adds news members from Queensland and Tasmania

Settlement Services International (SSI) has boosted its membership with the addition of two new members: QLD-based Yumba Meta and MRC Northern Tasmania.

We need diverse newsrooms, and ones that report ethically on race

There is a pressing need for greater diversity in our media and newsrooms. A report released this week shows more than half of opinion articles on the topic of race in Australia contain a negative portrayal of racial minorities.

Lisa’s Update – Coffs Harbour Community News

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Settlement Services International’s (SSI) Coffs Harbour Community News! My name is Lisa Steward and I’m SSI’s Community Engagement Coordinator for the Coffs Harbour area.

Sam’s Space – Armidale Community News for July 2018

The settlement journey has continued for our 23 families in Armidale this July, with special emphasis on working directly with newcomer leaders and youth to establish their interests and support them in what they hope to achieve in Armidale. I’ve also had new opportunities to meet more of the amazing community groups around Armidale, who are excited to explore ways of helping our new families settle.

Sam’s Space – Armidale Community News for June 2018

June has been an incredible month for SSI, our volunteers and our settling families in Armidale, marking Refugee Week, Volunteer Week and many more great events and initiatives.

Refugee Week 2024

“I love IT, it’s my area of expertise – my specialty. It’s what I know best. I want to put my skills to use in this great country.” Read Full Story “Workers with overseas qualifications can be a valuable addition to business as they bring new ideas, diverse skills and experience.” Read Full Story “Everyone […]

Migration reform is critical to address Australia’s future challenges

Reforms announced yesterday could bring Australia closer towards realising a migration program that meets the needs of industry, employers and migrants alike, while retaining our reputation as a destination of choice, according to leading non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI).

From the CEO: Coming together during a year of division

The holiday season is a chance for family to come together. One of the absences I feel at this time of year is the loss of my dad, who passed away in his sleep in 1990 when he was 64 years old.

SSI pledges support ahead of Global Refugee Forum

SSI will be participating in the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) next week in Geneva. Making pledges at the GRF is an opportunity to contribute to a collective effort aimed at improving the lives of refugees and foster sustainable solutions.