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“national plan”

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 search results

“national plan”


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Championing Action for Tech Safety (CATS)

Preventing tech-abuse of women.

National DFV consultation kicks off in Logan

National Children’s Commissioner leads inaugural Queensland roundtable that raises the voices of children from CALD backgrounds impacted by family and domestic violence.

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

From the CEO: The sharp edge of gender inequality and the need for specialised services

Gender-based violence, including domestic and family violence (DFV) is the sharp edge of widespread gender inequality in Australia — affecting all individuals identifying as women, regardless of their cultural background, economic situation, ability, and age.

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Affordable housing - why is it so hard to find and how do we work together to fill the gap?