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“foster care”

Showing 1 to 20 of 88 search results

“foster care”


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Foster Care Stories

Our foster carers open their hearts and homes to children in need.

About Foster Care

Information about types of foster care, becoming a foster carer, supports available, and more.

Multicultural Foster Care 

Providing a safe, nurturing and caring environment & connecting children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with foster carers who can help them maintain their cultural identity and sense of belonging.

Foster care vs adoption: the 4 differences you need to know

Do you see foster care and adoption as two sides of the same coin? If you’d like to find out whether fostering is right for you, it’s important to understand these two choices are very different.  

Cross cultural foster care: why it might be right for you

Lisa* didn’t expect her foster care experience to turn out quite like this: zipping around supermarket aisles, sourcing ingredients to make her first Samoan curry.

Applying to become a foster carer: what to expect

Most people begin their foster care journey with little more than a spare room and a desire to provide a home for a child in need. That’s all Lisa* had when she saw an online ad calling for more foster homes.

Keeping kids in foster care connected to family – National Families Week 2021

During National Families Week, we reflect on the importance of the family as a unit in the life of the child, and recognise the value of Life Story Work in keeping a child in care connected to their family.

Perseverance and growth: Kim’s foster care journey

When Kim* and her husband first started with SSI’s Multicultural Foster Care program, they thought they would ease themselves into foster caring with short-term care arrangements.

Perseverance and growth: Kim’s foster care journey

When Kim* and her husband first connectedwith SSI’s Multicultural Foster Care program, they thought they would ease themselves into foster caring with short-term care arrangements.

Victoria – respite and emergency foster carer

As a single woman, you may think that she does not fit the mold of your typical foster carer. But when Victoria talks about the children she supports through the SSI Multicultural Foster Care program, one thing is abundantly clear—she is a born carer.

New book helps culturally diverse children in foster care maintain their identity

A new family resource for children and young people in foster care from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds will be launched by Settlement Services International (SSI) in Bankstown, Sydney, today.My Life and Me, a life story book with a cultural focus, was developed by SSI to address the loss of identity and belonging experienced by CALD children in care.

SSI foster carers share their stories

Hear from SSI foster carers as they speak about their experiences and learn about the support they receive from our staff.

SSI foster carer commended at 2017 NSW Grandparent of the Year Awards

SSI’s foster carer Alaweia Kual has been recognised as a finalist in the 2017 NSW Grandparent of the Year Awards for her valuable contributions to the community both as a kinship carer for her grandson and as a community leader supporting newly arrived refugees from her home country of Sudan.

Foster carers celebrated for the superheroes they are

Foster Care Week shines a public spotlight on what SSI knows only too well – that foster carers play an integral role in the lives of vulnerable children and young people in out-of-home care.

Foster Care Week: SSI foster carers keep children connected

Garry and Natalie* are often told that their foster children are blessed to be in their care. However, they see it differently. “We are the ones who are blessed to have them in our home,” Garry said.

Foster Care Week: “It’s a very special feeling”

After almost nine years of being the foster carer for three siblings, Iqbal is preparing for the children to be returned to their mother who is now ready to care for them herself. Iqbal admitted she was upset and worried about the children leaving her, but she knows they want to be with their mother and that this is the best outcome.