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Showing 1 to 20 of 61 search results

“first nations”

Showing 1 to 20 of 61 search results

“first nations”


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New research highlights common bond between refugees and Australia’s First Nations peoples 

Parallel experiences create a common bond between refugees and First Nations people living in Australia, according to ground-breaking new research released today by non-profit SSI and Western Sydney University.  

Armidale’s First Nations artists in the spotlight at free NAIDOC exhibition

A collaborative exhibition showcasing the rich cultural heritage and artistic expressions of Armidale’s First Nations community is set to kick off during New England’s 2023 NAIDOC Week celebration, on Saturday 2 September.

Inclusion, identity & belonging – An artwork for First Nations NDIS participants

Bev was engaged by the SSI Local Area Coordination (LAC) program to develop an artwork that speaks to the First Nations community. This artwork tells of her family’s journey with disability, and reflects inclusion, identity and belonging.

New documentary highlights contribution of Ignite success story, First Nations leader Rose Lovelock

Damon Gameau’s latest documentary, Regenerating Australia, has captured the perceptive First Nations voice of Anaiwan academic and entrepreneur Rose Lovelock, an alumnus of Settlement Services International’s (SSI) Ignite Small Business Start-ups initiative.

Walking together: SSI’s journey to harness the power of newcomer and First Nations communities

For the past two years, SSI has embarked on a journey of reconciliation, built on community consultation, organisational reflection, and the vision of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Aboriginal Filipino rapper, DOBBY, joined by surprise acts L-FRESH The LION and Sereen Omran, at celebration of multicultural creatives

Celebrate the artistic vibrancy and diverse cultural expressions of multicultural Australia

Raft of reforms to strengthen inclusion and support for people with disability

Reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced in a major review today are designed to strengthen the inclusion of all people with disability and make it simpler and easier people with disability to navigate mainstream services and the NDIS system, according to non-profit organisation SSI.

New report signals fundamental reforms, a return to a fairer and more equitable employment support system 

Wide-ranging ranging reforms put forward by a major inquiry into the Federal Government’s system to support disadvantaged jobseekers would create a more equitable system that delivers specialist support and better employment outcomes for migrant and refugees, according to non-profit SSI, which provides employment support to jobseekers across NSW, Queensland and Victoria. 

Culturally diverse music and artists unite cultures at Australian Women in Music Awards 2023

Seven multi-talented female music professionals representing seven cultural backgrounds recently came together as part of SSI’s delegation at Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMA) culminating in a glamorous ceremony at the heart of Meanjin/Brisbane.

From the CEO: Let’s make our voices heard in the referendum

History is calling. This Saturday, we will face a decision that holds great significance for all of us and the future of our nation – the proposed establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Foundations for Belonging 2023

Insights on the concerns & hopes of different segments in Armidale.

Leading musician and guitar innovator returns home for Logan’s biggest multicultural festival

He’s played to some of Australia’s largest music festivals, invented an innovative new guitar style, and even made it through to the finals of Australia’s Got Talent, but now Chris Tamwoy is returning to his roots, with a headline performance at one of southeast Queensland’s biggest multicultural food, arts, and culture festivals, World of Culture.

From the CEO: Working to realise makaratta during Reconciliation Week

The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. So what does this actually look like in practice?