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“first aid”

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 search results

“first aid”


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Health Impact Project

Improve children and their caregivers’ health and wellbeing.

New hub set to streamline recruitment and lower attrition in home care 

A new purpose-built facility will streamline the recruitment and training of home care workers entering the sector, as well as assist home care providers with their hiring and retention strategies. 

Paid Home Care Traineeship launches to attract and upskill new talent

Trainees will get paid while undertaking a nationally recognised qualification in an in-demand sector.

Community Hubs were the place to be for families in turbulent 2021

The National Community Hubs Program Year in Review shows how the hubs’ resilience and flexibility ensured their local communities remained connected, supported, and safe in turbulent times.

SSI’s David Keegan receives award

Rotary Club of Randwick presented SSI Manager of Humanitarian Services David Keegan with a Paul Harris Fellowship last month for his work as a mental health first aider as well as recognition for his work with refugees and asylum seekers.