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“emergency relief”

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“emergency relief”


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Emergency Relief

Access essentials, referrals, and assistance tailored to individual needs.

Stepping up in the wake of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan

The speed with which the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August 2021 caught the international community off guard. It led to a diplomatic exodus and the temporary disruption of well-established donor coordination structures. On World Humanitarian Day, we recap some of the work SSI staff and partners have undertaken to support the people of […]

Emergency humanitarian relief program delivers food packages to displaced Afghans

Families impacted by the growing crisis in Afghanistan are receiving emergency relief, thanks to a new humanitarian relief program from Australian refugee support agency Settlement Services International (SSI), in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network of Refugees (APNOR).

Community Hubs were the place to be for families in turbulent 2021

The National Community Hubs Program Year in Review shows how the hubs’ resilience and flexibility ensured their local communities remained connected, supported, and safe in turbulent times.

With 2020-21 Budget, Australia is building back worse not better

Settlement Services International is dismayed that Australia’s 2020-21 Budget has delivered stimulus and incentives to businesses and those on high incomes by sacrificing those most vulnerable — in Australia and overseas – to a future of destitution.

COVID-19 causes talented asylum-seeking artist to lose work, but not hope

Like many individuals working in the creative sector, Damon, a talented photographer and artist has been greatly impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.

COVID-19 leaves Australia’s most vulnerable without food on the table

In response to overwhelming demand, SSI is distributing donated food packages to individuals and families from asylum seeker backgrounds.

Fun at the Opera House for mothers and children

Settlement Services International (SSI) has joined forces with the Women Empowering Refugee Women (WERW) volunteer group to organise a social event at Sydney’s Opera House for a number of SSI clients and their families.

Thank you Salvos, Fairfield!

SSI case managers have continued their efforts to show the various local charities just how much they are appreciated by sharing a morning tea. One team of Community Support Program staff from SSI Parramatta paid a visit to the Salvos charity store in Fairfield, on October 9, delivering treats for staff and volunteers, sharing stories and thanking them for their support.