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Showing 1 to 20 of 34 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 34 search results



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Disability Employment Services (DES)

Supports people living with disability, injury or health conditions to participate more fully in the workforce.

SSI Allianz Scholarship Program

One-off scholarships of up to $5000 to students preparing to undertake tertiary study in New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria.

Ignite® Small Business Start-Ups

Supports small business creation and expansion for people from a refugee or migrant background, people with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and others.

Making leaps and bounds down the pathway to independence.

Since she began receiving support from SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) services 18 months ago, Jessy, a young woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has taken great strides towards living an independent life.

New Staples Bag is full of quality groceries, sold cheap

Food insecurity is a growing concern for many in the community who are struggling with the rising costs of living. To improve access to basic supplies and help address issues of food security in Sydney, SSI, as a member of CoAct, has launched The Staples Bag which includes an array of food provisions for those in need.

Statement on Israel and Palestine

Over the past two weeks, there has been an unprecedented scale of violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and a rapid intensification of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and surrounding areas. 

Entrepreneurship offers flexibility and fulfilment for woman with chronic health conditions

For Jennifer Cameron, the idea of becoming a counsellor, let alone running her own business, felt unattainable until she found the support of Ignite® Small Business Start-ups, an SSI social enterprise.

SSI calls for migration, humanitarian and settlement reform in Federal Budget

SSI has called for nine key areas of reform in the upcoming 2023-23 Federal Budget in order to optimise migration, Australia’s humanitarian program and our settlement services for the benefit of all Australians.

Iraqi newcomer balances community work with volunteering and claims ‘volunteering is good for the soul!’

International Volunteer Day, held annually on December 5, is an opportunity to celebrate the important role volunteers, like Welcome Ambassador Ms. Alaa Al Karam, play in connecting communities and enhancing people’s lives.

Ignite graduate makes art to educate, inspire and heal

It was obvious from a young age that Tyler Stackman was artistic, but a chance meeting last year helped transform his talent into a business.

Applying to become a foster carer: what to expect

Most people begin their foster care journey with little more than a spare room and a desire to provide a home for a child in need. That’s all Lisa* had when she saw an online ad calling for more foster homes.

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Violet Roumeliotis AM appointed to NSW Ageing and Disability Advisory Board

Settlement Services International CEO Violet Roumeliotis AM has been appointed to the NSW Ageing and Disability Advisory Board.

Motherland exhibition explores displacement and migration

An exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) in January seeks to create a more nuanced narrative about contemporary migration and displacement by portraying the issue through the eyes of diverse artists.

From the Executive General manager: Employment support in settlement and beyond

Four years ago this month, our government made the historic decision to add an additional 12,000 places to Australia’s refugee intake for refugees affected by the war in Syria and Iraq.