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Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC)

BEMAC produces & stages multicultural artists from different cultural backgrounds.

Supporting young people as agents of change

Almost 100 people, including young people, gathered to learn about the unique challenges and opportunities facing young migrants and refugees at a dedicated Youth Symposium last month.

From the CEO: Reflecting on our past enables greater appreciation during Harmony Week

Multiculturalism, social cohesion, and inclusion are at the heart of this week’s celebration of Harmony Week. Australia has a rich history of multiculturalism that has helped shape our country into the vibrant and diverse society that it is today.

From the CEO: Standing in solidarity with the women of Iran

I have watched with great sorrow the events that have occurred in the wake of the death of Iranian woman Mahsa Amini.

New project to take an intersectional approach to women in leadership

Diversity Council Australia (DCA), along with partners Settlement Services International (SSI) and Chief Executive Women, are delighted about today’s announcement by the Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher, that the federal government would be investing in work to enhance opportunities for culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) women to move into workplace leadership roles.

Aspiring teacher gains independence with SSI’s support

After two years as a participant with SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program, Sabrina Morini, a 22-year-old woman with autism spectrum disorder, is kicking goals and keeping her sights set on the future.

In conversation: SSI New Beginnings Ambassador Shyamla Eswaran talks diversity at New Beginnings Festival.

This annual festival brings thousands of Sydneysiders together to enjoy the creative, culinary and artistic talents of people from refugee, migrant and First Nations backgrounds.

Government congratulated for refugee inclusion in new border arrangements

Settlement Services International (SSI) has congratulated the Australian Government for including humanitarian entrants in its further steps to reopen Australia and secure its economic recovery.

Indigenous Business Month, Powering the Indigenous Economy

October is Indigenous Business Month. SSI acknowledges that empowering Indigenous business empowers Self-Determination.  

Culture not a risk factor for youth incarceration

Contrary to recent media coverage, culture is not responsible for the overrepresentation of African youth in Victorian crime statistics, according to community-based social business Settlement Services International (SSI).

Quashed anti-racism campaign highlights need for national response

A Sydney mayor’s derailing of an anti-racism campaign highlights the need for a coordinated national response to racism in Australia, according to Australia’s largest refugee and migration resettlement support provider, Settlement Services International (SSI).

Culturally diverse women leaders to provide insight on how to break ‘glass ceiling’

Three female leaders who “broke the glass ceiling” in their fields will share their stories and advice on overcoming professional challenges during an International Women’s Day event designed to educate and empower women from across NSW.

SSI welcomes evidence of social cohesion and endorses calls for national anti-racism strategy

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s 2020 Mapping Social Cohesion Report and its findings that Australians continue to show strong support for multiculturalism and immigration, yet SSI is concerned about the continuing evidence of high levels of racism against migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Motherland exhibition explores displacement and migration

An exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) in January seeks to create a more nuanced narrative about contemporary migration and displacement by portraying the issue through the eyes of diverse artists.

“The more we give, the happier we feel” – SSI Volunteer Jayanthi

Immediately after moving to Australia from Sri Lanka in 2018, Jayanthi, who has more than 15 years of experience working in the Non-For-Profit (NFP) sector, began looking for opportunities to volunteer and work with Australian organisations.

SSI CEO amplifies impact with new appointments

SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis will amplify her community impact in 2020 through a series of new board appointments