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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 search results


Showing 1 to 8 of 8 search results



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Refugee salon owner rebuilds career from apprentice to successful business owner in Australia

When Iranian-born Mary Logan sought refuge in Australia, she hoped to continue her work in hair and beauty. However, her overseas experience and qualifications were not recognised, forcing the salon owner and manager to begin again as an apprentice.

Afghans continue settlement journey in NSW

Settlement Services International has supported 1,400 Afghans to make NSW their new home since August 2021.

Female refugees gaining confidence and independence with tailored short course

Navitas English, in collaboration with Settlement Services International (SSI), is helping make everyday life activities easier for female refugees through a short practical course tailored specifically to their needs.

SSI welcomes government’s expansion of English language program

Settlement Services International welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement today that it will expand access to the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

The facts on refugees in Armidale

Learning English, connecting with the community, and finding employment and housing will be the key priorities for refugee families arriving in Armidale in the coming months, according to a leading settlement expert. Yamamah Agha, the Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) Manager for community organisation and social business Settlement Services International (SSI), said in the 16 years she had been working with refugees, those areas consistently rated among new arrivals’ top goals for life in Australia.

Volunteer-led English classes popular with people seeking asylum

Language is an important element of any culture, and being able to speak the local language can make the difference between participating in a new community, or isolation. With this is mind, SSI has offered regular English classes for people seeking asylum.  All participants in the English classes were people who received case management support from SSI’s Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) program.