Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.

Showing 1 to 20 of 149 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 149 search results



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Culturally diverse music and artists unite cultures at Australian Women in Music Awards 2023

Seven multi-talented female music professionals representing seven cultural backgrounds recently came together as part of SSI’s delegation at Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMA) culminating in a glamorous ceremony at the heart of Meanjin/Brisbane.

Foundations for Belonging 2023

Insights on the concerns & hopes of different segments in Armidale.

Refugee Week 2023

“It wasn’t easy to get a job. After all this experience I had in my country – 15 years – I had to start from scratch.” Read Full Story “I have dedicated almost 20 years of my life to my profession – I cannot leave it behind. I dream of working again as a dentist, […]

Ambitious engineer pursues Australian career despite local experience roadblock

Since arriving in Australia in 2023, Syrian refugee and Automation Engineer, Alaa Daher has done all the right things to find employment in his field. He developed his English language skills, gained his driver’s license, had his Bachelor’s degree recognised, and completed work-readiness workshops. Yet the ambitious 37-year-old has received the same response to the […]

An immediate ceasefire and reopening of border crossings vital to preserve life in Gaza  

As the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, and specifically Rafah, reaches a crisis point, SSI reiterates our call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urgent re-establishment of safe border crossings to enable civilians with visas to reach safety.