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Showing 141 to 160 of 620 search results


Showing 141 to 160 of 620 search results



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Youth Transitions Support Program (YTS)

Connect youth from diverse backgrounds with the community through recreational activities.

Employers & Employment Partners

SSI's government funded programs work with employers to help find great candidates.

New guide offers solutions to tech talent gap

Report finds recognising refugees’ and migrants’ skills would boost economy.

Empowering Communities and Building Bridges: how Marziyah’s lived experience informs her work at SSI

SSI Gambling Harm Prevention Program Coordinator, Marziyah Razi shares her journey arriving in Australia as a refugee and how her past experiences have influenced and motivated her efforts at SSI. As a dedicated volunteer, Marziyah also shares how she builds strong connections within the Afghan-Australian community in Melbourne. Tell us about your resettlement journey? My […]

Supporting young people as agents of change

Almost 100 people, including young people, gathered to learn about the unique challenges and opportunities facing young migrants and refugees at a dedicated Youth Symposium last month.

Foundations for Belonging 2023

Insights on the concerns & hopes of different segments in Armidale.

From refugee to cultural bridge: Sudanese-born Jok supports diverse communities in Australia by leveraging her own journey

When Jok-Babott sought refuge in Australia over 20 years ago, she confronted the daunting task of learning a new language and navigating unfamiliar systems and cultures. Today, Jok leverages her own experiences and skills to provide the support she wishes she’d had as a newcomer.

Intergenerational Report reinforces need for forward-looking immigration strategies to bolster Australia’s future

Today’s release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) shows the important role migration plays in sustaining the health of Australia’s ageing nation and the importance of long-term planning to strengthen the country’s migration system.  

Stepping up in the wake of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan

The speed with which the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August 2021 caught the international community off guard. It led to a diplomatic exodus and the temporary disruption of well-established donor coordination structures. On World Humanitarian Day, we recap some of the work SSI staff and partners have undertaken to support the people of […]

Refugee intake increase a step in the right direction

An uplift in Australia’s refugee intake announced today is a welcome step forward that will support some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals and families, according to one of Australia’s largest refugee resettlement providers.

Urgent action needed to close loopholes and protect temporary migrant workers

Harrowing stories of temporary migrant exploitation detailed in a report released today highlight the need for urgent action to protect temporary migrant workers, according to migrant and refugee services providers Settlement Services International (SSI).

Surviving the temporary visa protection cycle: Ferah’s story of resilience 

New research has quantified the devastating mental health impacts of temporary visas – something all too familiar for Iraqi-born Ferah* who, despite the challenges, has shown incredible strength and resilience in carving out a life for her and her children in Australia.  

New funding offers long-awaited relief for settlement providers

New funding announced by the Federal Government yesterday will provide vital support for organisations working on the frontline to support refugees and migrants to successfully settle in Australia, according to the non-profit organisation, Settlement Services International (SSI).

Refugee Week 2023

“It wasn’t easy to get a job. After all this experience I had in my country – 15 years – I had to start from scratch.” Read Full Story “I have dedicated almost 20 years of my life to my profession – I cannot leave it behind. I dream of working again as a dentist, […]

Iranian refugee works tirelessly to secure his dream job

Mohsen excels after Christmas Island detention lasting 3 years.

Billion-dollar benefit: new report identifies five ways to harness untapped skilled workforce

Skilled migrants and refugees already living in Australia are an overlooked solution to Australia’s wide-reaching skills shortages, which if harnessed could inject billions of dollars into the economy, according to a new report.

Australia must increase humanitarian intake amidst record-breaking displacement

One of Australia’s largest refugee resettlement providers has called for urgent action to lift Australia’s humanitarian intake, as new research shows the number of people experiencing forced displacement increased at a record-breaking rate in 2022.