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Showing 121 to 140 of 450 search results


Showing 121 to 140 of 450 search results



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WorkForce Australia Local Jobs Program

Reskills, upskills and develops employment pathways that assist people to move back into jobs as the economy recovers. 

Afghan refugee finds work and opportunities in Australian construction industry

Taliban evacuee Mohammad now works with Southern Steel Supplies.

SSI NDIS participant reclaims independence

Sonita Zainal was happily working at a local real estate agent and caring for her elderly mum when tragedy struck.

Migrant, refugee wellbeing at the heart of Federal Budget measures

New measures to clear Australia’s visa backlog, review multicultural policies and tackle racism show the Federal Government is putting wellbeing of all communities at the centre of its national budget, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).  

Gaze-based communications device proves life-changing for teen SSI NDIS participant

A high-tech gaze-based communications device is making the world of difference to NDIS participant, Taylor Williams.

Gambling victim shares story to raise awareness during Gambling Harm Awareness Week

During Gambling Awareness Week, mother-of-two *Mila Ong shared her family’s story to reveal the impact problem gambling can have on an individual and those around them, and to show others that help is available.

Celebrating and appreciating the rich cultural diversity of Logan

Access Community Services hosted the first ever World of Cultures event in multicultural Logan last month, in what will become an annual occasion.  

Aspiring teacher gains independence with SSI’s support

After two years as a participant with SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program, Sabrina Morini, a 22-year-old woman with autism spectrum disorder, is kicking goals and keeping her sights set on the future.

A community of carers

The community of carers weaved throughout SSI’s programs ensures there’s always a helping hand when someone reaches out for support.

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Digital inclusion and family separation remain problems for refugees despite resilience during pandemic

Newly arrived refugees in Australia have been resilient in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research launched this week by Settlement Services International and Western Sydney University.

NSW government extends employment support program for refugees

Refugees and people seeking asylum living in NSW will continue to have access to pathways to secure, long-term employment thanks to the extension of the Refugee Employment Support Program (RESP) delivered by Settlement Services International (SSI) and partners.

SSI NAIDOC Week celebrations promote Indigenous economy and self-determination 

Settlement Services International (SSI) is observing NAIDOC Week this year by not only celebrating First Nations art and culture but also contributing to the Indigenous economy and self-determination.

SSI LAC participant on her way to becoming a chef

Getting a job has been on Faith Zadro’s mind a long time.

SSI at FECCA: a multicultural perspective on the Uluru Statement, and the power of humanity

Only by working together can a truly multicultural Australia be a place of safety, growth and happiness.

Family football event builds stronger community connections

Nearly 300 people enjoyed a Refugee Week Family Event at Gould Adams Park in Logan, QLD, on June 25, thanks to collaboration between Access Community Services’ Multicultural Sport Club (MSC) and Football Queensland’s Multicultural Settlement Program (MSP).

Leading community organisations welcome state budgets

Settlement Services International (SSI) and Access Community Services have welcomed this week’s budget announcements by the NSW and Queensland governments, commending their focus on women, healthcare, housing and education.

Refugee Week campaign tells new arrivals Australia is ‘Where You Belong’

Bus shelters and digital billboards across Brisbane and Logan have been adorned with the images of six employees from Access Community Services, a subsidiary of Settlement Services International, in support of Refugee Week 2022.

Allianz and Settlement Services International expand award-winning scholarship program to support refugee and migrant education

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) proudly celebrated 37 new refugee scholarship recipients at the Allianz SSI scholarships ceremonies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne yesterday.