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Showing 121 to 137 of 137 search results


Showing 121 to 137 of 137 search results



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From Settlement to Belonging: National conference on migrant and refugee families

SSI experience, backed by numerous research studies, shows that refugees and migrants bring a wealth of skills and experiences to Australia, contributing to the communities in which they live.

Businesses and jobs created by SSI’s Ignite Small Business Start-ups

SSI’s first event in Parliament House, Canberra was a resounding success, with Federal Minister Craig Laundy MP vowing to ensure that the Ignite Small Business Start-ups (Ignite) initiative receives the funding it deserves so that humanitarian entrants have the opportunity to give back to Australia.

SSI staff and innovation recognised at national award ceremony

SSI had a night to remember on March 22 at the 2017 Australian Migration and Settlement Awards at Parliament House, Canberra, after winning awards in two categories for its ongoing commitment to supporting migrants and refugees living in Australia.

SSI celebrates Harmony Day with the Friendly Nation Initiative

Harmony Day is about inclusivity, respect and belonging. It was a day that SSI marked in March with a celebration as part of an initiative from Australia’s business sector that will help many refugees to build a sense of belonging in Australia.

SSI Board member Elfa Moraitakis is Blacktown City Woman of the Year

Congratulations to SSI Board member Elfa Moraitakis who on March 8, International Women’s Day, was named Blacktown City Woman of the Year 2017. Ms Moraitakis is the CEO of SydWest Multicultural Services, based in Blacktown.

The facts about Syrian refugees and Fairfield

A number of media reports since the start of 2017 have claimed communities in western Sydney are concerned about the arrival of the extra cohort of 12,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees, using figures that are not supported by facts.  As one of the largest settlement services providers, we know that the main reasons our humanitarian clients choose to settle in an area are: affordability, availability of suitable housing, access to services such as schools, IEC, SSI, and proximity to family.

Syrian arrivals in Fairfield: sorting fact from fiction

A number of media reports since the start of 2017 have claimed communities in western Sydney are concerned about the arrival of the extra cohort of 12,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees, using figures that are not supported by facts.  As one of the largest settlement services providers, we know that the main reasons our humanitarian clients choose to settle in an area are: affordability, availability of suitable housing, access to services such as schools, IEC, SSI, and proximity to family.

From the Acting CEO – Innovative employment services key to successful social participation

February has arrived in the blink of an eye, which means roads are packed again, children are back at school and everything seems to have quickly adjusted to the usual routine. At SSI, this means we’re already in full swing to continue supporting a wide range of vulnerable communities and face the new challenges 2017 is already presenting.

Arts and culture initiatives give artist seeking asylum a new beginning

A talented artist who is seeking asylum in Australia has found his place in the local arts community after getting involved with SSI Arts and Culture initiatives such as the annual New Beginnings: Refugee Arts and Culture Festival.

Ignite Small Business Start-ups model to expand entrepreneurial support beyond the refugee community

SSI staff from Ignite Small Business Start-ups and Ability Links NSW participated in a week of training by Dr Ernesto Sirolli to build their knowledge and skills of using an enterprise facilitation model to assist people to establish a small business.

Community Hubs celebrate year’s achievements

The NSW Community Hubs team reviewed and celebrated its past year’s Hub activities during the team's annual meeting in November.  The meeting was an opportunity for participants to share their challenges and learnings, and to discuss priorities and the expansion of the program in 2017.

SSI Member Spotlight: Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre

Two busloads of refugee families travelled from Liverpool to an exhibition in Glebe for the launch of Courageous Journeys: A Family Portrait on November 16.

From the CEO – Reflection and meaningful communication in the holiday season

Tinsel and holly wreaths appeared in the SSI office this week – a sure sign that another year is drawing to a close and the summer break is around the corner. Like many people, I’m looking forward to a few weeks off to relax, revive and refresh myself for another busy year in 2017.

From the CEO – Exciting times to be part of SSI

We all know how active we are as an organisation, but these last few weeks have been especially busy with outcomes and events that I‘m very much looking forward to sharing with you.

Refugee scholarship recipient is pursuing studies in medicine

Young refugees needing help with their school education and adults seeking local recognition for their qualifications will be among those eligible for new scholarships worth more than $90,000.

Former refugee’s innovative start-up helps others find employment

A talented refugee from Syria has used his IT and web science skills to co-develop an online platform to help bridge the gap on one of the greatest challenges facing newly arrived refugees – employment.

New Beginnings 2016 highlights

The New Beginnings: Refugee Arts & Culture Festival 2016 was a standout success, with more than three thousand people coming together to celebrate the talents and skills of artists who were refugees and asylum seekers.