Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.

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Self-paced e-learning: Fundamentals of Building a Successful Small Business

Learn the fundamentals of running a small business at your convenience with our free self-paced online workshop, specially created for people with disability

Sydney Lunar Festival 2024

Sydney Lunar Festival 2024 Lunar New Year is for everyone to enjoy! This year, celebrate the Year of the Dragon and support SSI to achieve equality of life for all.

Community collaboration supports Rana to safely deliver a baby boy on New Years Day 

Twenty-seven- year-old* Rana* arrived in Sydney in late 2023, heavily pregnant. She carried with her few belongings—but the immense physical and emotional toll of her journey from Gaza to Australia.

Migration reform is critical to address Australia’s future challenges

Reforms announced yesterday could bring Australia closer towards realising a migration program that meets the needs of industry, employers and migrants alike, while retaining our reputation as a destination of choice, according to leading non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI).