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Showing 101 to 120 of 149 search results


Showing 101 to 120 of 149 search results



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From the CEO: Refreshing our brand to reflect our evolving purpose

SSI’s brand – our image and visual identity – traces its roots back to where we began in 2000, as a small settlement agency supporting refugees in Sydney. Fast forward to today, we are a national not-for-profit organisation that offers a diverse range of human services and promotes equal opportunities for all.

Pathway to permanency welcome news for refugees on temporary visas

Some 19,000 refugees on temporary visas will be able to apply for permanent visas under new changes announced by the Federal Government today.

Love of art ignites business success

Bridget Kelly is living her dream life as an artist and business owner, thanks to the support of her family and Ignite Small Business Start-Ups.

From the CEO: Anniversaries highlight Australia’s welcoming spirit

February marks two anniversaries that highlight the generosity and success of Australia’s approach to refugee resettlement.

Rising hip hop stars Elsy Wameyo and Birdz headline celebration of multicultural creatives

From First Nations to newcomers, innovators, movers, shakers and everyone in between, New Beginnings Festival is where you belong.

National DFV consultation kicks off in Logan

National Children’s Commissioner leads inaugural Queensland roundtable that raises the voices of children from CALD backgrounds impacted by family and domestic violence.

NSW Government extends supports to young people in care until 21

SSI welcomes the news that the NSW Government will extend financial assistance to foster carers or people in care until the age of 21, bringing the system into line with all other states and territories. 

Afghan refugee finds work and opportunities in Australian construction industry

Taliban evacuee Mohammad now works with Southern Steel Supplies.

Ignite client and fashion designer employs women in Afghanistan to bring her designs to life

Ignite client Lida Mangal created her business, Ghan Fashion, to employ women in Afghanistan to create her unique designs and help lift them from poverty.

SSI NDIS participant reclaims independence

Sonita Zainal was happily working at a local real estate agent and caring for her elderly mum when tragedy struck.

Support from SSI’s DES program marks turning point for participant

Jana worked at SSI and ended up being a client!

Freedom Sessions returns to showcase new sounds and diverse artistic talent

SSI continues to celebrate artistic talent from migrant, refugee and First Nations backgrounds through its Freedom Sessions that combine virtual performances and candid artist discussions.

Former NATO worker and refugee helps welcome newcomers whilst pursuing his dreams

Afghan refugee Zabiullah Ahmadzai, a former NATO employee, recalls his first experience of Australia. Fearing for his family’s safety, Mr Ahmadzai left his home with five family members, arriving here in January this year.

Iranian beautician launches her own business, thanks to Ignite

Great brows don’t happen by chance, they happen by appointment! This could well be the catchline of Mary Logan’s fledgling business, Mary Logan Beauty.

Gaze-based communications device proves life-changing for teen SSI NDIS participant

A high-tech gaze-based communications device is making the world of difference to NDIS participant, Taylor Williams.

Ignite graduate makes art to educate, inspire and heal

It was obvious from a young age that Tyler Stackman was artistic, but a chance meeting last year helped transform his talent into a business.

From SSI client to SSI employee – refugee helps others

Arriving in Australia as a refugee last year, Hamid Ahmad Sarwary knew firsthand how hard it can be to settle into a new country.

Aspiring teacher gains independence with SSI’s support

After two years as a participant with SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program, Sabrina Morini, a 22-year-old woman with autism spectrum disorder, is kicking goals and keeping her sights set on the future.

A community of carers

The community of carers weaved throughout SSI’s programs ensures there’s always a helping hand when someone reaches out for support.

Foster care vs adoption: the 4 differences you need to know

Do you see foster care and adoption as two sides of the same coin? If you’d like to find out whether fostering is right for you, it’s important to understand these two choices are very different.