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Showing 81 to 100 of 365 search results


Showing 81 to 100 of 365 search results



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Business program provides human connection and localised support for Sydney city community

It started with the notion that a thriving, resilient and diverse community is the indicator of a successful neighbourhood. So, add a newly regenerated urban area with a place-based business mentorship program, and see the community flourish.

SSI welcomes evidence of social cohesion and endorses calls for national anti-racism strategy

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s 2020 Mapping Social Cohesion Report and its findings that Australians continue to show strong support for multiculturalism and immigration, yet SSI is concerned about the continuing evidence of high levels of racism against migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds.

SSI welcomes government’s vaccine campaign supporting culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the announcement by Federal Government to roll out a $31 million COVID-19 vaccination public information campaign.

SSI staff to provide local knowledge to help jobseekers find work

Three Settlement Services International (SSI) staff have been named among nine new Employment Facilitators helping job seekers find work as part of the Federal Government’s $62.8 million Local Jobs Program.

From the CEO: A heartfelt holiday thank you

As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on the past 12 months and begin looking forward to the new year.

Settlement services recognised as a key contributor to multicultural success

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed Labor’s Multicultural Statement, launched in Canberra today, and hopes it will inspire a broader public discussion on multiculturalism and migration policy, with a focus on fairness, inclusion and opportunity.  

New research finds that Australia’s refugees are settling well

The settlement experiences of 133 Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan refugee families living in NSW are examined in a new report, which highlights the importance of English language training and other support programs to ensure refugees have a great start to their new life.

HACCI Woman of Influence Award: excellence in the Hellenic Australian community

SSI CEO recognised as champion of diversity and inclusion The 34th Hellenic Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HACCI) Awards announced Settlement Services International (SSI)’s CEO Violet Roumeliotis for its ‘Woman of Influence Award’ last night, Thursday 19 November.

Reflecting on our past, present and future; our vision remains the same

Important milestones such as SSI’s 20th anniversary motivate me to pause from the present and reflect. Looking back over the past 20 years, I cannot help but be amazed at how SSI has both evolved as an organisation and solidified our core mission and values since our founding in early 2000.

Social Sector Transformation Fund a boon for vulnerable people in NSW

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the NSW Government’s $50 million boost for charities and not-for-profits rocked by the COVID -19 pandemic.

JobSeeker cut creates uncertainty for families facing poverty

Settlement Services International is disappointed that the federal government is to cut the Coronavirus Supplement received by people on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and parenting payments while extending it from January 1 to March 28.

Building relationships saw SSI’s big dream become reality

Partnership and collaboration have been in SSI’s DNA since its formation with member organisations two decades ago. It continues today with partnerships with community and corporate organisations, and SSI’s leadership in the NSW Settlement Partnership.

Global refugee youth advocate named chair of Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network

SSI Youth Collective steering committee member and refugee advocate Arash Bordbar was elected Chair of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)  in June 2019.

SSI selected to deliver a multicultural service to address gambling harm in Victoria

The Minister for Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Melissa Horne, yesterday announced Settlement Services International (SSI) would deliver a new state-wide gambling harm prevention and counselling service for migrant and refugee communities. 

From the CEO: Beating the isolation of closed borders through community connection

COVID-19 has touched everyone around the globe, causing economies to come crashing to a halt, shut-downs to be mandated and borders to close.

SSI welcomes government’s expansion of English language program

Settlement Services International welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement today that it will expand access to the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

Settlement Services International (SSI) and Australian National Maritime Museum sign MOU to strengthen support for new migrants to Australia

Two organisations deeply involved in migration to Australia have today signed an MOU to develop programs and initiatives to support new migrants.

From the CEO: We are witnesses to history

Last week marked the seven-year anniversary of Australia’s introduction of offshore processing of refugees. In a weird twist of fate, Kurdish-Iranian journalist – and former Manus Island detainee - Behrouz Boochani was granted permanent protection in New Zealand just a few days later.

SSI congratulates new Chair of SBS, George Savvides

Settlement Services International congratulates George Savvides AM on his appointment as the Chair of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) and looks forward to working with him for the next five years, as the media organisation continues to give a voice to all Australians, regardless of gender, geography, age, cultural background or language.

Refugee Week, launched with new research, was celebrated 1.5 metres apart but still together

The pandemic has changed how communities come together, and 2020 presented a challenge that required Settlement Services International (SSI) and Refugee Week partners to readapt usual modes of engagement for events and celebrations.