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Showing 81 to 100 of 450 search results


Showing 81 to 100 of 450 search results



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Local area coordination

SSI supports people to access the NDIS and other services and supports in the community.

Multicultural Peer Network

Find out how to form a peer-to-peer support group in your community & what free resources & training SSI now offers for community organisations to up-skill & run their own groups.

Disability Employment Services (DES)

Supports people living with disability, injury or health conditions to participate more fully in the workforce.

99 Steps

Free and confidential support for women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds affected by domestic and family violence.

NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP) and SETS

The NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP) is a consortium of 20 community organisations, led by SSI, that delivers Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) services in areas of NSW for newly arrived migrants and refugees.

In My Voice

A series of vignettes that tell the stories of DFV in different migrant communities in order to help start conversations and change.


Provides training and support to help retail, hospitality and aged care employers recruit and retain people with disability.

Community Education Program

Providing newcomers with the skills they need to thrive.

Building Stronger Families

Helps Arabic-speaking newcomers to build strong and healthy relationships and address issues such as conflict, stress, and domestic and family violence.

Multicultural Sports Club (MSC)

Participating is sports builds a sense of belonging and helps develop new connections.

NDIS reform a welcome step for people with disability

Leading non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed news from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Minister Bill Shorten of six key areas of reform for the scheme.

Pilot program helps Ellen get job ready

Many young adults struggle to define their career aspirations and educational goals, but Ellen Brant has found guidance and support in a new pilot program by SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program.  

Industry partnership brings easier, faster and more affordable way to hire home care workers

A new initiative to help overcome the skills shortages and economic pressure impacting the at-home aged care sector has been launched today by non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI), in partnership with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered platform Hireup. The collaboration is set to bring more growth opportunities and career pathways to support workers […]

Leading non-profit congratulates incoming state government

Non-profit organisation SSI congratulates the incoming Minns Government on its success following Saturday’s NSW state election.

One year in Australia: How Ukrainian refugees Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives

Over the past year of war, millions of refugees have fled Ukraine — 4,500 of whom have found themselves in Australia. With no end to the conflict in sight, women like Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives in local suburbs across the country.

The power of peer support: talking disability in multicultural communities

  Building your life in a new country can come with many challenges and it can help to have a group of people around you who understand your experiences. For peer group participants like Amreena, SSI’s Multicultural Peer Network (MPN) program has been a safe haven and a way to connect with community members who share her lived experience.