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SSI and its partners welcome increased Syrian refugee intake and financial aid

Settlement organisations in NSW welcome the Federal Government’s announcement today that an additional 12,000 refugees from Syria will be settled in Australia and that $44 million in additional financial aid will be provided to help deal with the crisis.

SSI and its partners welcome Federal Government’s announcement of increased refugee intake and financial aid

Settlement organisations in NSW welcome the Federal Government’s announcement today that an additional 12,000 refugees from Syria will be settled in Australia and that $44 million in additional financial aid will be provided to help deal with the crisis.

SCOA welcomes the Government’s announcement to settle an additional 12,000 Syrian refugees to address the growing global humanitarian crisis

The Settlement Council of Australia* (SCOA) welcomes the Government’s announcement to increase Australia’s humanitarian intake by an additional 12,000 permanent places for Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

SCOA supports the call to urgently increase refugee resettlement numbers with the settlement sector poised to support

The Settlement Council of Australia* (SCOA) supports the call for an urgent action to increase the refugee resettlement numbers in Australia in response to the growing global humanitarian crisis with millions displaced from their homes fleeing the conflict in Syria. The settlement sector in Australia are world leaders in assisting and welcoming newly arrived refugees and are well positioned to support an increase in Australia’s refugee intake.

Towards a humane response to the world’s refugee and migration crises

The world is facing many challenges as unprecedented numbers of people flee their homes in search of somewhere safe to settle: how we treat fellow human beings should be a top priority.

SSI food: Sameera’s family favourites

Welcome to the SSI Food Blog. Whether they are SSI employees, volunteers, refugees or people seeking asylum, the people featured here all share a love of food. One of the many benefits of multiculturalism is delicious food, so let’s enjoy!

“Shared cultural and musical experiences” at Parramatta Lanes Festival

Multi-talented visual artist and musician Babak, from Iran, will collaborate with Ethernet Orchestra, led by musician and researcher Dr Roger Mills, for a series of special performances at the Parramatta Lanes Festival 2015. Babak came to Australia as a refugee and he receives support from SSI’s Humanitarian Services Program.  

SSI signs MOU for smooth transition of Community Hubs program

The CEOs of SSI, Connect Child and Family Services and Refuge of Hope on August 31 signed a Memorandum of Understanding in relation to the Community Hubs in NSW. From January 1 next year SSI will be the NSW Support Agency under the National Community Hubs Program.

From the CEO — on migration and the world’s humanitarian crises

The world is facing many challenges as unprecedented numbers of people flee their homes in search of somewhere safe to settle: how we treat fellow human beings should be a top priority.

Essa and Newington Gunners recognised for support of the “Racism. It stops with me” campaign

Essa Khan, 45, from Pakistan is seeking protection as a refugee in Australia but on Tuesday, August 18, he rubbed shoulders with Australian Government and opposition politicians at Parliament House. 

SSI case worker commended at 2015 Australian Migration and Settlement Awards

Settlement Services International (SSI) case worker Nedhal Amir has been recognised as a finalist in the 2015 Migration and Settlement Awards for her ongoing commitment to supporting new migrants and refugees living in Australia.

A Sticky Beak Tour of SSI

SSI welcomed the Sticky Beak Tour, an initiative of the Inner West Child & Family Interagency, to its head office in Ashfield this week. The tour was part of an initiative to promote interaction and professional exchange between community services providers located in Sydney’s Inner West. 

Home: between here and there, opening night at Bankstown Arts Centre

They say home is where the heart is, and for people seeking asylum in Australia this can be a difficult question to answer. For most of them, ‘home’ oscillates between the memories of the homeland they left behind and of a new place that is unknown but filled with hope.

Ignite Small Business Start-Ups training highlights skill and passion of refugees

A week with Dr Ernesto Sirolli has enhanced the knowledge and skills of SSI staff, bilingual guides, and current entrepreneurs working with the Ignite Small Business Start-ups (Ignite) initiative who all undertook  Enterprise Facilitation training.

New arrivals – opportunity or threat? Second generation Australians and their views on race, migration and asylum seekers

Migrants from Western Europe who arrived in the "50s and "60s in Australia were seen with hostility and suspicion by many in the local community. These are now well-settled communities but as new comers, they struggled to fit in. 

Home exhibition artist: Sefullah

Sefullah is from the Iranian village of Palk Lak of Arkvazi, in the Illam Province, where he lived before making his journey to Australia. Sefullah is a self-taught artist, who researches different styles of painting and schools of thought. 

Home exhibition artist: Mohammed

Mohammed is a multi-disciplinary artist working in the areas of photography, performance and graphic design.  Mohammed lived in Iraq where he obtained a degree in theatre performance from Basra's College of Arts. In Baghdad, he had his own studio and appeared in a number of productions and radio plays.

Home exhibition artist: Mohanad

Mohanad was born in Nasiriyah, Iraq. He started painting when he was six as he was encouraged by his grandfather, who bought painting material for him. After graduating from the Arts & Carving Institute in Iraq, Mohanad moved to Syria where he kept painting, drawing and showing his works in several exhibitions.

Home exhibition artist: Mahdi

Mahdi, who was born in Iran, has a passion for calligraphy, creative writing and painting. After finishing school, Mahdi began painting and decorating city walls in Iran where he enjoyed turning dull city walls into colourful and bright themes.

Home exhibition artists: Hayder

Hayder completed a BA in Fine Arts at the University of Baghdad, in his native Iraq, in 2008. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as an art teacher with the Ministry of Education of Iraq.