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New SSI Foundation announces education scholarships

Settlement Services International (SSI) today announced education scholarships worth $60,000 as part of the launch of the new SSI Foundation. Formerly known as the Connect Australia Foundation, the SSI Foundation introduces more categories of support and increased amounts distributed.

From the GM – congratulations to Ability Links NSW

July was a big month for SSI, with several new programs starting, but the 12 month anniversary of Ability Links NSW has stood out for me as being particularly significant and emblematic of the organisation’s future. Many great stories have come from this program in a short space of time; here are just a couple of randomly selected examples.

Joint statement on racism directed at Adam Goodes

“Australia must and can be better than this” Following the weekend’s events when prominent Aboriginal AFL player and former Australian of the Year, Adam Goodes was booed at every turn during the Swans v West Coast Eagles AFL match.

Bush regeneration project symbolises new life for asylum seeker volunteers

Every Friday for the last nine weeks, morning commuters have bustled through Circular Quay on their way to work, oblivious to a group of men dressed in gardening clothes and walking shoes who excitedly await their ferry.

Eid Mubarak celebrated at SSI Community Kitchen

More than 250 people gathered this week  at SSI Community Kitchen’s Eid- al- fitr (عيد الفطر) celebration to mark the end of Ramadan. The Eid celebration attracted a larger than usual number of visitors and volunteers who all pitched in and enjoyed the warm weather and festive atmosphere.

Community Iftar in Campbelltown

SSI and Macarthur Diversity Services Inc. staff, volunteers and special guests that included people seeking asylum joined together for a community Iftar dinner at Campbelltown Civic Hall, last month. 

Mission of Hope supports SSI during Ramadan

Over the last few weeks you may have read or heard about Ramadan. Ramadan is observed by Muslims around the world and is a period of about 30 days of fasting from dawn until sunset. During the fasting period, food and drink is only served before dawn and after sunset. So you can imagine the anticipation that Iftar (evening meal) brings.

Soccer brings cultures together at tournament

SSI case managers and clients joined the general public in the Fourth Annual Multicultural Cup knockout soccer tournament last month. The seven-aside knockout tournament was held on June 28, with two teams of SSI clients who are seeking asylum playing off for the championship.

SSI jobactive now providing employment services in Campsie

Settlement Services International (SSI) has today, July 1, opened its doors as an employment services provider based in Campsie. SSI will deliver the Australian Government’s jobactive services to job seekers living within the Sydney East Metro region.

Video: Achieving justice for victims of mass atrocities

SSI's second Speakers' Series event for 2015, Achieving justice for victims of mass atrocities, on May 18, featured special guest speaker the Ambassador-at-Large in the US Office of Global Criminal Justice Department of State, Stephen J Rapp. Watch the full recording of Mr Rapp's presentation and the following Q&A session here.

Communities unite at New Beginnings Festival

About 1000 people celebrated World Refugee Day by enjoying the talents and culture on display at SSI’s New Beginnings Refugee Arts and Culture Festival, on June 20. The festival was billed as a “celebration of hope, unity and new beginnings” on the United Nations’ World Refugee Day to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the 1951 Refugee Convention.

UNHCR Partner consultations and NGO Standing Committee in Geneva

SSI and partner organisations are in Geneva at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees consultations with NGOs. Over two weeks, NGOS from around the world will discuss best practice, lobby for support and plan to ease the global refugee crisis. Here are the top posts from the consultations.

Courage a boon for refugees starting businesses

A Refugee Week event organised by two Sydney immigration lawyers has raised about $9,000 for SSI’s Ignite Small Business Start-ups initiative. The fund-raising event organised by Adriana Mercado and Marina Brizar, of Playfair Visa and Migration Services, featured a photo exhibition of former refugees who now live in Australia, as well as speeches, drinks and canapés.

Former refugee is a CoAct Local Hero

Former refugee Hikmat Shah has been given a ‘CoAct Local Heroes’ award by CoAct Ambassador, Olympic and World Champion, Matthew Cowdrey alongside Federal MP Chris Hayes and nominator SSI representatives at a ceremony today at Parliament House, Canberra.

Refugee Week: meet dancer Hakim

Meet Hakim, dancer and asylum seeker Hakim, 23, left a lot behind when he had to flee Burma, including all of his family and friends. But after arriving in Australia, he picked up something new that is keeping him mentally and physically strong – dancing.

Refugee Week: meet artist Damon Amb

Meet Damon Amb, artist and asylum seeker “I started more than 20 years ago on my dad’s old camera, a manual Konica. I’d save up all my money to buy film and take photos of my surroundings, my people, my life in Iran. At the end of my military service, I did an Advanced Diploma in Photography at Iran’s Jahad Institute. I ended up working as a photographer in an advertising agency.

Asylum seekers and communities to benefit from safe haven visas

Settlement Services International (SSI), a leading not-for-profit humanitarian settlement organisation, has welcomed as significant and positive the announcement by the NSW State Government to sign up to the Federal Safe Haven Enterprise Scheme.

From the CEO: We can learn from others

I want to talk about an African woman, a single mother, who has five children and had never set foot outside of her small village until she was forced to flee as a refugee. The humanitarian crisis that gripped her home included all the horrors that are too common to refugees around the world.

SSI food: Laith’s Malay Chicken Curry

Welcome to the SSI Food Blog. Whether they are SSI employees, volunteers, refugees or people seeking asylum, the people featured here all share a love of food. One of the many benefits of multiculturalism is delicious food, so let’s enjoy!

New board marks a major milestone for SSI

Settlement Services International has marked a major milestone in its 15-year history with today’s endorsement of a new Board of Directors which includes – for the first time – three independent members. Among other changes, SSI announced it has adopted a new governance structure, becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee.