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Showing 41 to 60 of 169 search results


Showing 41 to 60 of 169 search results



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Community Support Program

The Federal Government’s Community Support Program (CSP) aims to help people applying for humanitarian visas to settle in Australia.

Families and Early Years Program

Families and Early Years Program offers a forum for women and babies from culturally and linguistically diverse background to access important health advice.

SSI Allianz Scholarship Program

One-off scholarships of up to $5000 to students preparing to undertake tertiary study in New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria.

Multicultural Foster Care 

Providing a safe, nurturing and caring environment & connecting children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with foster carers who can help them maintain their cultural identity and sense of belonging.

Ignite® Small Business Start-Ups

Supports small business creation and expansion for people from a refugee or migrant background, people with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and others.

Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS)

The asylum seeker assistance scheme offers financial support, accommodation, healthcare and education to people living in Australia on temporary visas.

NSW Government extends supports to young people in care until 21

SSI welcomes the news that the NSW Government will extend financial assistance to foster carers or people in care until the age of 21, bringing the system into line with all other states and territories. 

Ignite client and fashion designer employs women in Afghanistan to bring her designs to life

Ignite client Lida Mangal created her business, Ghan Fashion, to employ women in Afghanistan to create her unique designs and help lift them from poverty.

Support from SSI’s DES program marks turning point for participant

Jana worked at SSI and ended up being a client!

Iranian beautician launches her own business, thanks to Ignite

Great brows don’t happen by chance, they happen by appointment! This could well be the catchline of Mary Logan’s fledgling business, Mary Logan Beauty.

Former Fairfax CEO joins NFP board

Former media executive Greg Hywood has joined the board of Settlement Services International (SSI), a non-profit organisation that supports newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential.

Foster care vs adoption: the 4 differences you need to know

Do you see foster care and adoption as two sides of the same coin? If you’d like to find out whether fostering is right for you, it’s important to understand these two choices are very different.  

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Digital inclusion and family separation remain problems for refugees despite resilience during pandemic

Newly arrived refugees in Australia have been resilient in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research launched this week by Settlement Services International and Western Sydney University.

NSW government extends employment support program for refugees

Refugees and people seeking asylum living in NSW will continue to have access to pathways to secure, long-term employment thanks to the extension of the Refugee Employment Support Program (RESP) delivered by Settlement Services International (SSI) and partners.

Allianz and Settlement Services International expand award-winning scholarship program to support refugee and migrant education

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) proudly celebrated 37 new refugee scholarship recipients at the Allianz SSI scholarships ceremonies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne yesterday.

Community Hub celebrates happiness, hope and building connections

Parramatta West Public School Community Hub was established as a new hub in SSI’s Community Hubs network in the middle of COVID.

Network delivers for refugees and migrants making their home in NSW

The NSW Settlement Partnership, a dynamic network of leading organisations led by Settlement Services International (SSI), is celebrating seven years of supporting refugees and migrants to settle in Australia.