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Self-paced e-learning: Fundamentals of Building a Successful Small Business

Learn the fundamentals of running a small business at your convenience with our free self-paced online workshop, specially created for people with disability

Foster Care Stories

Our foster carers open their hearts and homes to children in need.

About Foster Care

Information about types of foster care, becoming a foster carer, supports available, and more.

The Rights Path project

A collaboration between SSI and NDIS providers to empower participants from CALD backgrounds with the resources and agency to exercise their rights.

Community collaboration supports Rana to safely deliver a baby boy on New Years Day 

Twenty-seven- year-old* Rana* arrived in Sydney in late 2023, heavily pregnant. She carried with her few belongings—but the immense physical and emotional toll of her journey from Gaza to Australia.

From the CEO: Coming together during a year of division

The holiday season is a chance for family to come together. One of the absences I feel at this time of year is the loss of my dad, who passed away in his sleep in 1990 when he was 64 years old.

Empowering Communities and Building Bridges: how Marziyah’s lived experience informs her work at SSI

SSI Gambling Harm Prevention Program Coordinator, Marziyah Razi shares her journey arriving in Australia as a refugee and how her past experiences have influenced and motivated her efforts at SSI. As a dedicated volunteer, Marziyah also shares how she builds strong connections within the Afghan-Australian community in Melbourne. Tell us about your resettlement journey? My […]

Supporting young people as agents of change

Almost 100 people, including young people, gathered to learn about the unique challenges and opportunities facing young migrants and refugees at a dedicated Youth Symposium last month.

DFV funding a win for migrant and refugee women and children

Funding for a specialist multicultural domestic and family violence centre, announced in today’s NSW State Budget, will greatly enhance support for some of the state’s most vulnerable community members, according to leading non-profit SSI.

From refugee to cultural bridge: Sudanese-born Jok supports diverse communities in Australia by leveraging her own journey

When Jok-Babott sought refuge in Australia over 20 years ago, she confronted the daunting task of learning a new language and navigating unfamiliar systems and cultures. Today, Jok leverages her own experiences and skills to provide the support she wishes she’d had as a newcomer.

Armidale’s First Nations artists in the spotlight at free NAIDOC exhibition

A collaborative exhibition showcasing the rich cultural heritage and artistic expressions of Armidale’s First Nations community is set to kick off during New England’s 2023 NAIDOC Week celebration, on Saturday 2 September.

Building purposeful community connections through multicultural experts 

Maria Gonzalez’s experiences of migrating to Australia ignited her passion to lead a team dedicated to bridging gaps between Australian organisations and multicultural communities.

Refugee intake increase a step in the right direction

An uplift in Australia’s refugee intake announced today is a welcome step forward that will support some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals and families, according to one of Australia’s largest refugee resettlement providers.