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Legal Aid community engagement officer recognised for strong community spirit

Nohara Odicho, recipient of the STARTTS’ 2019 NSW Humanitarian Award for a Refugee Community Worker, arrived in Australia as a refugee with her father in 2015.

Innovation funding supports exploration of new settlement pathways for Nepalese community in Auburn

Nepalese migrant and refugee communities are to benefit from innovative new services thanks to a collaboration between two members of the NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP).

Armidale Regional Council wins human rights award for dedication to refugee settlement

Armidale Regional Council, a key partner in a Settlement Services International (SSI) program to relocate Ezidi refugees from Syria and northern Iraq, has won the Government Award in the 2019 Human Rights Awards, presented by the Australian Human Rights Commission in Sydney on December 13.

SSI expresses appreciation for volunteers’ and collaborators’ profound contribution to communities

A retired police superintendent, a dance artist and members of a Community Hub were among recipients of SSI’s 2019 Community Appreciation Awards.

SSI submits pledges ahead of UNHCR Global Refugee Forum

The first Global Refugee Forum (GRF) will be hosted by UNHCR in Geneva December 17-18.

Disability advocate seeks more accessible services for diverse communities

Yasmin Farhart, an empowered, south west Sydney-based Lebanese woman living with disability, is a professional public speaker, educator, activist and advocate for diversity and inclusion. 

From the CEO: A long route to safety

Kurdish-Iranian journalist Behrouz Boochani’s long trip to safety made headlines around the world last month. After six years on Manus Island under Australia’s offshore processing regime, Behrouz obtained a temporary visa to visit New Zealand for a literary event and took a circuitous route to safety that involved a 19-hour layover in the Philippines.

Students highlight valuable contributions of newcomer Australians through media project

This year, SSI has had the honour of working alongside a group of talented budding journalists, content producers and media professionals.

Armidale community shows the way for regional settlement

A unique approach to regional refugee settlement is delivering strong results for integration and refugee retention in the new settlement location of Armidale, offering insights that will guide other regional centres seeking to welcome newcomers as long-term members of their communities.

Sri Lankan restaurant supporting refugees and asylum seekers seeking employment

Last week, Colombo Social, a fresh new Sri Lankan restaurant dedicated to providing employment for asylum seekers launched in Enmore, dishing up colourful Sri Lankan cuisine.

Response to Shergold refugee settlement review*

Leading agency calls for immediate action * Investing in Refugees, Investing in Australia: the findings of a Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants in Australia. Settlement Services International (SSI), one of Australia’s largest refugee settlement agencies, calls for three immediate actions in response to today’s report, citing employment and community models in their Regional Settlement Strategy as key to future success.

SSI Mosaic Gala raises record funds for refugee employment services

Through the generosity of community minded individuals and organisations, the SSI Mosaic Gala raised a record  $50,000 to support refugees on the pathway to employment and education.

New Beginnings Festival welcomes all to celebrate, regardless of ability

The Settlement Services International (SSI) New Beginnings Festival welcomes people of all abilities to join the festivities at Tumbalong Park, Sydney, on Saturday, November 16.

SSI and AWMA ongoing partnership provides opportunity for diverse female artists and musicians

The spotlight was turned on Australia’s culturally diverse female artists and music practitioners earlier this month at the Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMA).

ARIA-nominated hip hop artist joins global talent line-up at New Beginnings Festival

L-Fresh the Lion to perform as part of leading arts and culture festival’s fifth-anniversary celebrations The annual arts and culture festival that showcases Australia’s leading talent from refugee and migrant backgrounds has announced its most eclectic and renowned program to date. 

Ambitious refugee forges dream career path through innovative social enterprise

Before Tiba Obada participated in SSI’s newest social enterprise, The Experience Centre (‘TEC’), she was less confident as a job seeker. But after engaging with TEC, Ms Obada’s job morale and skills have developed both personally and professionally. 

NSW leads the country in unlocking employment potential for refugees

State government agencies and their partners work in collaboration to connect refugee job seekers with secure, long-term employment When Rania Shahoud, her husband and their two sons arrived in Australia in 2017 from Aleppo, Syria, she didn’t know whether she’d ever find a job.

From the CEO: Help new arrivals realise their full potential

Growing up as a member of the Greek diaspora, I saw a lot of people who were not able to realise their dreams due to barriers outside of their control. 

Groundbreaking partnership sparks opportunity for diverse female artists and musicians

For the second year running, Settlement Services International (SSI) is partnering with Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMA) to turn the spotlight on culturally diverse female artists and music practitioners through the SSI Diversity in Music Award.

Mattress recycling social enterprise partners with SSI to help individuals seeking asylum into employment

More than 20 hardworking individuals seeking asylum in Australia have found employment after a mattress recycling social enterprise partnered with SSI to replace their machines with manpower.