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SSI selected to deliver a multicultural service to address gambling harm in Victoria

The Minister for Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Melissa Horne, yesterday announced Settlement Services International (SSI) would deliver a new state-wide gambling harm prevention and counselling service for migrant and refugee communities. 

“The more we give, the happier we feel” – SSI Volunteer Jayanthi

Immediately after moving to Australia from Sri Lanka in 2018, Jayanthi, who has more than 15 years of experience working in the Non-For-Profit (NFP) sector, began looking for opportunities to volunteer and work with Australian organisations.

Perseverance and growth: Kim’s foster care journey

When Kim* and her husband first started with SSI’s Multicultural Foster Care program, they thought they would ease themselves into foster caring with short-term care arrangements.

Perseverance and growth: Kim’s foster care journey

When Kim* and her husband first connectedwith SSI’s Multicultural Foster Care program, they thought they would ease themselves into foster caring with short-term care arrangements.

With 2020-21 Budget, Australia is building back worse not better

Settlement Services International is dismayed that Australia’s 2020-21 Budget has delivered stimulus and incentives to businesses and those on high incomes by sacrificing those most vulnerable — in Australia and overseas – to a future of destitution.

From the CEO: Beating the isolation of closed borders through community connection

COVID-19 has touched everyone around the globe, causing economies to come crashing to a halt, shut-downs to be mandated and borders to close.

Determined young refugee takes life by storm: learns English, finds casual employment and invests into future

Serina Saka arrived in Australia as a refugee from Iraq after spending four years in Lebanon with her parents and four siblings. 

SSI welcomes government’s expansion of English language program

Settlement Services International welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement today that it will expand access to the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

From the CEO: New data shows we must stop the migrant blame game

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Australia I have been deeply disturbed by the increase in racist harassment, reporting and attacks on culturally diverse Australians, with several community members reaching out to me to express their fear and concern over the situation.

Settlement Services International (SSI) and Australian National Maritime Museum sign MOU to strengthen support for new migrants to Australia

Two organisations deeply involved in migration to Australia have today signed an MOU to develop programs and initiatives to support new migrants.

Hardworking taxpayers left with almost no support: an insight

“There are many, many honest and hardworking taxpayers, now unemployed in our communities who have almost no support. They are in serious crisis,” said SSI Community Engagement Practitioner, Paula Ben David.

Social Engineer draws on experience to support others through COVID-19

Since moving to Australia in 1998 due to political and civil unrest in Iraq, Bashar Hanna has faced and overcome the many challenges of establishing himself personally and professionally in a foreign land.

SSI congratulates new Chair of SBS, George Savvides

Settlement Services International congratulates George Savvides AM on his appointment as the Chair of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) and looks forward to working with him for the next five years, as the media organisation continues to give a voice to all Australians, regardless of gender, geography, age, cultural background or language.

How Saira found a second family while searching for employment

In March 2018, Saira* crossed the globe alone, travelling from her home in Sierra Leone to Australia, to escape her traditional marriage and build the foundations of a new life for herself, and one day her children.

Refugee Week, launched with new research, was celebrated 1.5 metres apart but still together

The pandemic has changed how communities come together, and 2020 presented a challenge that required Settlement Services International (SSI) and Refugee Week partners to readapt usual modes of engagement for events and celebrations.

From the CEO: Words aren’t just words when they excuse violence

The viral video of an NSW Police officer using physical violence in response to a swearing teenager has rightly caused outrage at a time of heightened racial tensions across the world.

Iraqi-born researcher and refugee gets work published in prestigious scientific journal

Iraqi refugee and PhD student of astronomy Rami Alsaberi arrived in Australia in December 2016 with his parents, brothers and sister as a family unit of seven from Iraq after spending three years in Jordan.

New research shows social networks provide refugees with significant foundations for belonging

New research by Settlement Services International and the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, challenges narrow economic definitions of successful refugee settlement and, instead, suggests social and civic dimensions are equally valid markers of refugee integration.

From the CEO: 2020 – the year of welcome?

Dates allocated to celebrate particular causes and communities can sometimes risk ending in token celebrations that are quickly forgotten as we prepare for the next occasion. In Australia, we’ve always endeavoured to ensure that Refugee Week in June is about more than just ‘food, festivals and fashion’, but this year brought a whole new challenge thanks to COVID-19.

COVID-19 causes talented asylum-seeking artist to lose work, but not hope

Like many individuals working in the creative sector, Damon, a talented photographer and artist has been greatly impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.