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Showing 21 to 40 of 365 search results


Showing 21 to 40 of 365 search results



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Greater funding stability positive step for NSW non-profits

NSW Labor Party’s promise to increase funding terms for a minimum of five years if elected is a welcome commitment to stabilise the state’s social services sector according to leading non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

NSW Government extends supports to young people in care until 21

SSI welcomes the news that the NSW Government will extend financial assistance to foster carers or people in care until the age of 21, bringing the system into line with all other states and territories. 

Queensland NFPs trade competition for collaboration

Queensland non-profits in the multicultural space are walking the talk on collaboration, launching a new executive network this week that will foster partnership, not competition, in the sector.

Migrant, refugee wellbeing at the heart of Federal Budget measures

New measures to clear Australia’s visa backlog, review multicultural policies and tackle racism show the Federal Government is putting wellbeing of all communities at the centre of its national budget, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).  

Former NATO worker and refugee helps welcome newcomers whilst pursuing his dreams

Afghan refugee Zabiullah Ahmadzai, a former NATO employee, recalls his first experience of Australia. Fearing for his family’s safety, Mr Ahmadzai left his home with five family members, arriving here in January this year.

SSI welcomes new ‘community sponsorship’ program

Refugee support agency Settlement Services International (SSI) commends the Federal Government for the roll out of its national ‘community sponsorship’ program. 

New project to take an intersectional approach to women in leadership

Diversity Council Australia (DCA), along with partners Settlement Services International (SSI) and Chief Executive Women, are delighted about today’s announcement by the Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher, that the federal government would be investing in work to enhance opportunities for culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) women to move into workplace leadership roles.

Workforce Australia review cannot overlook migrant and refugee jobseekers again

The Federal Government’s review of the Workforce Australia scheme must address a gaping hole that has left migrant and refugee communities without adequate support, according to leading non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Afghans continue settlement journey in NSW

Settlement Services International has supported 1,400 Afghans to make NSW their new home since August 2021.

SSI at FECCA: a multicultural perspective on the Uluru Statement, and the power of humanity

Only by working together can a truly multicultural Australia be a place of safety, growth and happiness.

SSI welcomes NSW Government focus on women in budget

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the NSW Government’s strong focus on women in this year’s budget, paving the way for more women to forge a strong economic future and prioritise their wellbeing.

From the CEO: Refugee Week a chance to reflect on refugee contributions and Australia’s role

A few key things happened during this year’s Refugee Week that have lifted my spirits and given me hope.

Leading community organisations welcome state budgets

Settlement Services International (SSI) and Access Community Services have welcomed this week’s budget announcements by the NSW and Queensland governments, commending their focus on women, healthcare, housing and education.

Refugee Week campaign tells new arrivals Australia is ‘Where You Belong’

Bus shelters and digital billboards across Brisbane and Logan have been adorned with the images of six employees from Access Community Services, a subsidiary of Settlement Services International, in support of Refugee Week 2022.

Allianz and Settlement Services International expand award-winning scholarship program to support refugee and migrant education

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) proudly celebrated 37 new refugee scholarship recipients at the Allianz SSI scholarships ceremonies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne yesterday.

New executive appointment to Access Community Services

Access Community Services has announced the appointment of a new Head of Relationships – Clients and Communities to help promote and strengthen the organisation’s services across Queensland.

From the CEO: Be brave, make change – now is the time to grow as an Australian community

National Sorry Day will be observed today, May 26, and National Reconciliation Week from Friday May 27 to Friday June 3.

SSI congratulates Labor on significant election result

Settlement Services International (SSI), has congratulated Anthony Albanese on the Labor Party’s election victory on Saturday and his appointment as Prime Minister.

Supporting U equips multicultural women’s agencies to be allies within their communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) last night launched a series of videos as part of its Supporting U program, an innovative project aimed at equipping women leaders within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities with the skills to support women in crisis.

Network delivers for refugees and migrants making their home in NSW

The NSW Settlement Partnership, a dynamic network of leading organisations led by Settlement Services International (SSI), is celebrating seven years of supporting refugees and migrants to settle in Australia.