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“domestic and family violence”

Showing 21 to 40 of 42 search results

“domestic and family violence”


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Supporting U Program

An innovative project designed to leverage the strengths of women leaders within CALD communities to become social responders to DFV issues.

Community Hubs were the place to be for families in turbulent 2021

The National Community Hubs Program Year in Review shows how the hubs’ resilience and flexibility ensured their local communities remained connected, supported, and safe in turbulent times.

SSI appoints Etienne Roux to key role in QLD operations

Etienne Roux, formerly Head of Health & Community Services at Access Community Services Limited, has been named SSI Group’s Head of Health, Community Services and Queensland State Lead.

From the CEO: Join the campaign to end gender-based violence

It is pleasing to see that the Federal Government and Opposition are attempting to address the crisis that is violence against women and girls in this country.

Inspirational community leader, Gail Ker, announces retirement

Nationally lauded and award-winning community leader Gail Ker OAM, CEO of Access Community Services Limited, is to retire effective December 31, 2021.

From the CEO: The sharp edge of gender inequality and the need for specialised services

Gender-based violence, including domestic and family violence (DFV) is the sharp edge of widespread gender inequality in Australia — affecting all individuals identifying as women, regardless of their cultural background, economic situation, ability, and age.

Budget support for frontline domestic violence services welcome, but specialist CALD service desperately needed

The NSW Government’s $148.6 million boost to frontline domestic violence services and eight new magistrates in the 2021-22 NSW Budget is a welcome development, according to Settlement Services International (SSI).

Settlement services recognised as a key contributor to multicultural success

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed Labor’s Multicultural Statement, launched in Canberra today, and hopes it will inspire a broader public discussion on multiculturalism and migration policy, with a focus on fairness, inclusion and opportunity.  

National tragedy is a shared responsibility

Settlement Services International (SSI) acknowledges and honours the lives of two women who died on November 30, alleged victims of separate incidents of domestic violence.

Lebanese migrant launches business tackling domestic violence during ‘16 Days of Activism’

For Lebanese migrant Hala Abdelnour, a vision to facilitate an intersectional and inclusive response to domestic violence is becoming a reality through her start-up business, Institute of non-violence (IoNV).

From the CEO: Words aren’t just words when they excuse violence

The viral video of an NSW Police officer using physical violence in response to a swearing teenager has rightly caused outrage at a time of heightened racial tensions across the world.

Research aims to improve screening for domestic violence so refugee women get the help they need

Settlement Services International (SSI) is collaborating with the University of Wollongong (UOW) in a research project to identify and address domestic violence experienced by newly arrived refugee women.

From the CEO: Each for equal

The 2020 International Women’s Day theme is Each for Equal. An equal world is one where we’re all responsible for our thoughts and actions. Every day, we have the power to take small steps towards gender equity.

SSI CEO amplifies impact with new appointments

SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis will amplify her community impact in 2020 through a series of new board appointments

Domestic violence funding must accommodate migrant and refugee women

NSW Labor’s pledge of $158 million for frontline domestic violence services is a step in the right direction but risks leaving refugee and migrant women in the cold, according to a community organisation that supports newcomers to Australia.

Most vulnerable domestic violence victims falling through the gaps

Investment in accommodation alone is not sufficient to help women who are new to Australia safely escape domestic and family violence, according to a community organisation that supports refugees and other newcomers to Australia.

From the CEO: Everyone has the right to get home safely

One of the precious, and often fleeting, aspects of youth is fearlessness. We’re brave and invincible; we don’t know what we don’t know. And for the lucky few, life has not yet inducted them into its darker, dimmer corners.

From the CEO – International Day of People with Disability 2018

Here at SSI, diversity and inclusion is at our heart, and our diverse workforce, programs and initiatives allow us to engage with clients and communities across a broad scope.

SSI welcomes increased support for people in crisis or experiencing homelessness.

The opportunity to provide a more holistic housing service to people at risk of homelessness is greatly welcomed by Settlement Services International (SSI), after the announcement today by Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Social Housing Pru Goward that SSI has been selected to provide Supported Temporary Accommodation (STA) in the Illawarra. SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis said the decision by NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) to move away from using low cost motels and caravan parks for temporary accommodation was a great step toward achieving better social outcomes for vulnerable people.

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