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Showing 21 to 40 of 107 search results


Showing 21 to 40 of 107 search results



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Refugee mother faced with unique challenges during lockdown

Single mother and refugee Yasameen Al-Natrawee fled Iraq seeking temporary refuge in Malaysia, where she lived while waiting for a humanitarian visa.

Talented refugee artist awarded with University of Sydney scholarship

Visual artist and Iraqi refugee Raneen Shamon arrived in Australia in 2017 from Jordan, where she had lived with her parents and younger brother for three years, waiting for their humanitarian visas to be approved.

Making leaps and bounds down the pathway to independence.

Since she began receiving support from SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) services 18 months ago, Jessy, a young woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has taken great strides towards living an independent life.

SSI supports refugee family with son on the autism spectrum

Iranian refugee Solmaz Hamdi Hesari arrived in Australia in April 2019 with her husband and their son, who lives with a disability.

Australian NGO amplifies minority voices at UN Women conference

Australia will contribute to global dialogue on gender equality and amplify the experiences of minority women at the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65) conference, March15-26, 2021.

From the CEO: The Syrian civil war 10 years on

This month marks 10 years since the beginning of the Syrian civil war -- a conflict that has displaced more than half of the country’s pre-war population and left a staggering 80 per cent of the current population living beneath the poverty line.

Culturally diverse women leaders to provide insight on how to break ‘glass ceiling’

Three female leaders who “broke the glass ceiling” in their fields will share their stories and advice on overcoming professional challenges during an International Women’s Day event designed to educate and empower women from across NSW.

SSI welcomes evidence of social cohesion and endorses calls for national anti-racism strategy

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s 2020 Mapping Social Cohesion Report and its findings that Australians continue to show strong support for multiculturalism and immigration, yet SSI is concerned about the continuing evidence of high levels of racism against migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Iraqi sisters secure employment and further education during first year in Australia

The Humanitarian Settlement Program, funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs* and delivered by Settlement Services International has supported Iraqi sisters, Diana and Sandra Hassan* to acquire part-time jobs and engage in higher education.  

From the CEO: A heartfelt holiday thank you

As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on the past 12 months and begin looking forward to the new year.

Resilient doctor-turned-librarian with vision to reconnect with family in Tibet

Since leaving Tibet as a teenager and fleeing to India as a refugee, Dolkar Lhamo has not only overcome many hardships but also managed to attain significant achievements.

New research finds that Australia’s refugees are settling well

The settlement experiences of 133 Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan refugee families living in NSW are examined in a new report, which highlights the importance of English language training and other support programs to ensure refugees have a great start to their new life.

Syrian refugee from LGBTIQ community overcomes social adversity and finds meaning working for the elderly

In April 2019, five years after fleeing to Lebanon from his home in Syria, Joe Smith* was granted a humanitarian visa to move to Australia with his mother and brother.

Former refugee and entrepreneur empowers fellow newcomers

Hedayat Osyan is a 28-year-old former refugee from Afghanistan and an SSI Ignite® Small Business Start-ups (Ignite®) entrepreneur who founded a tiling company to support fellow refugees to establish their new lives in Australia.

Global refugee youth advocate named chair of Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network

SSI Youth Collective steering committee member and refugee advocate Arash Bordbar was elected Chair of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)  in June 2019.

Enabling people with disability to live the lives they want

SSI has a rich history of providing support to and advocating for the rights of people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Unlocking the benefits of regional settlement

A unique approach to regional refugee settlement is delivering strong results in the new settlement location of Armidale, offering insights that will guide other regional centres seeking to welcome newcomers as long-term members of their communities.

How a garden fostered lasting support networks for the community

Over four years of nurturing and growth, the Friendship Garden at the Auburn Centre for Community blossomed from a community engagement initiative owned and run by SSI to a community-run project.

Walking together: SSI’s journey to harness the power of newcomer and First Nations communities

For the past two years, SSI has embarked on a journey of reconciliation, built on community consultation, organisational reflection, and the vision of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

“The more we give, the happier we feel” – SSI Volunteer Jayanthi

Immediately after moving to Australia from Sri Lanka in 2018, Jayanthi, who has more than 15 years of experience working in the Non-For-Profit (NFP) sector, began looking for opportunities to volunteer and work with Australian organisations.