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Making leaps and bounds down the pathway to independence.

Since she began receiving support from SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) services 18 months ago, Jessy, a young woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has taken great strides towards living an independent life.

Young refugee fleeing persecution forges prosperity in new home

23-year-old Irfan Ali Nasiri arrived in Australia from Pakistan with his mother and four siblings in 2016, reuniting with his father in Auburn, Sydney, after years of separation. 

New resident welfare wait times must be reduced, not increased, in interest of equity and the economy

A measure forcing new permanent residents to wait four years before they can access most government welfare payments and family tax benefit risks exacerbating inequality for people who are starting out and already contributing tax to the Australian economy, according to Settlement Services International (SSI).

SSI welcomes Budget’s injection of funds for migrant communities and frontline FDV services

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the Federal Government’s Women’s Budget Statement and its Budget 2021 women’s safety package, in particular measures to help culturally diverse women victims of family and domestic violence (FDV).

SSI and Allianz mark five years in partnership; almost 200 refugee scholarships awarded to date

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) are proud to mark five years of partnership with almost 200 (177) scholarships cumulatively granted to support people of refugee backgrounds achieve independence in Australia. The milestone was celebrated at the annual Allianz SSI scholarships ceremony held virtually where 20 individuals from a refugee background were awarded scholarships; […]

Living and thriving as a young person with Asperger Syndrome

Like many university students, 20-year-old Bevan is focused on completing his degree and finding out what direction he wants to take in life.

SSI supports refugee family with son on the autism spectrum

Iranian refugee Solmaz Hamdi Hesari arrived in Australia in April 2019 with her husband and their son, who lives with a disability.

Underutilised migrant skills a huge opportunity

A report looking at the contribution of permanent skilled migrants highlights the unrealised potential in newcomer communities and the need to provide income support and access to family tax benefits earlier in the settlement journey, according to Australia’s largest refugee and migration resettlement support provider, Settlement Services International (SSI).

Culturally diverse children missing out on early childhood education are more likely to face vulnerability

Early childhood education in the pre-school years is critical to a strong start in life.

Australian NGO amplifies minority voices at UN Women conference

Australia will contribute to global dialogue on gender equality and amplify the experiences of minority women at the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65) conference, March15-26, 2021.

From the CEO: The Syrian civil war 10 years on

This month marks 10 years since the beginning of the Syrian civil war -- a conflict that has displaced more than half of the country’s pre-war population and left a staggering 80 per cent of the current population living beneath the poverty line.

Achieving an equal future for women

Last week we celebrated International Women’s Day under the United Nations Theme for 2021: Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World.

SSI welcomes government’s vaccine campaign supporting culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) welcomes the announcement by Federal Government to roll out a $31 million COVID-19 vaccination public information campaign.

From the CEO: Overcoming division in the shadow of the pandemic

Monday this week marked one year since the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Australia.

Online health and wellbeing workshops for refugee women during COVID-19 fosters community spirit

Settlement Services International’s (SSI) Humanitarian Settlement Program Women Committee has partnered with Liverpool Women’s Health Centre (LWHC) and Mission Australia to encourage refugee women to stay healthy, informed and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WSU partners with SSI to ease university engagement for refugees

Refugees have easier access to tertiary education thanks to a partnership between Western Sydney University (WSU) and Settlement Services International (SSI).

From the CEO: A heartfelt holiday thank you

As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on the past 12 months and begin looking forward to the new year.

Settlement services recognised as a key contributor to multicultural success

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed Labor’s Multicultural Statement, launched in Canberra today, and hopes it will inspire a broader public discussion on multiculturalism and migration policy, with a focus on fairness, inclusion and opportunity.  

New research finds that Australia’s refugees are settling well

The settlement experiences of 133 Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan refugee families living in NSW are examined in a new report, which highlights the importance of English language training and other support programs to ensure refugees have a great start to their new life.

Lebanese migrant launches business tackling domestic violence during ‘16 Days of Activism’

For Lebanese migrant Hala Abdelnour, a vision to facilitate an intersectional and inclusive response to domestic violence is becoming a reality through her start-up business, Institute of non-violence (IoNV).