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Showing 181 to 200 of 291 search results


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SSI gets to work resettling refugees in regional NSW

SSI is working hand-in-hand with local communities to resettle refugees in regional NSW, including through a new Coffs Harbour office launched in December.

SSI celebrates IDPwD with community, local government and business

SSI observed the 2017 International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) by celebrating community organisations, local governments, businesses and community members working towards disability inclusion.

Human Rights Award recognises collaboration for refugee inclusion

Settlement Services International (SSI) CEO Violet Roumeliotis has described Allianz Australia winning the annual Human Rights Business Award as a triumph for partnerships between business and humanitarian organisations seeking to support vulnerable members of the community. The Human Rights Awards, presented by the Australian Human Rights Commission at an event in Sydney on December 8, is the pinnacle of human rights recognition in Australia.

Award-winning NFP comes to Coffs: SSI to lead refugee settlement in local region

An innovative not-for-profit organisation has today launched in Coffs Harbour, where it will support newly arrived refugees as they begin their lives in Australia. The federal government has selected Settlement Services International (SSI) as the Coffs Harbour provider of the new Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP), which supports refugees from the moment they arrive at the airport until they are established in the community.

SSI CEO named 2017 Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year

Violet Roumeliotis has been recognised as the 2017 Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year.

Corporate volunteers: ‘very busy, very enjoyable’, bringing community together

Seven staff from Deutsche Bank who volunteered at SSI’s Armenian-themed Community Kitchen on November 15 were so excited by the experience they have vowed to return with more of their colleagues.

Telstra NSW Business Woman of the Year: Business Innovation is found in the NFP sector

2017 NSW Telstra Business Women’s Award winner calls for corporate Australia to look to the not-for-profit sector to find the innovative solutions it needs to address workforce shortages and inspire entrepreneurial thinking.  Violet Roumeliotis, CEO of Settlement Services International (SSI), who won the 2017 Telstra NSW for Purpose and Social Enterprise Award, said her organisation, which she has grown in revenue from $9m to $110m in only four years, is built on an entrepreneurial spirit that has led to innovative approaches to supporting migrants, people seeking asylum and refugees start businesses, join large corporations and fill important gaps in the workforce.

NSP Showcase celebrates unique settlement collaboration

A consortium led by SSI last week launched the NSW Settlement Partnership in Focus, a new resource showcasing an innovative service delivery model.   

Resource showcasing innovative service delivery model launches

A new resource showcasing an innovative, unique not-for-profit service delivery model was launched in Sydney today. The NSW Settlement Partnership in Focus is replete with success stories of this unique partnership, which is the first of its kind in the settlement sector.

New initiative helps refugees to build a sense of belonging

Refugees in the Liverpool area are getting support to feel more at home in Australia, thanks to a partnership that introduces new arrivals to local businesses that will greet them with patience, understanding and welcome.

Ability Links NSW storybook shines a light on diverse voices

The voices of people with disability, their families and carers are at the heart of a new Ability Links NSW (ALNSW) storybook, launched today by Minister for Disability Services and Multiculturalism, The Hon. Ray Williams on behalf of SSI.

SSI partners with Allianz on employment program for young refugees

A new program that aims to teach young refugees basic business skills and help them find a job was announced in Sydney today. The ‘Allianz Ladder’ program will familiarise refugee youth with business environments and help them develop the core skills and confidence they need to find their first job in Australia.

Newly arrived gardeners pave pathway to a better future

A group of newly arrived gardeners have channelled their shared love of gardening into formal qualifications.

From the Acting CEO — An international lens on refugee resettlement

We live in a world where nearly 20 people are forcibly displaced every minute as a result of conflict or persecution. A record number of people having to flee their homes and everything they know in search of safety cannot be the responsibility of a few countries, let alone the world’s poorest; it’s a global emergency that warrants global action. 

Multicultural playgroup helps newly arrived social worker regain her confidence

Coming to Australia in search of safety means leaving behind friends, family and everything you know. For people like social worker Sarah, it also means starting again after years of studying at university and building up professional experience in her field.

Revitalised runner will now help others with SSI in City2Surf 2017

A vision-impaired runner will join the SSI team in City2Surf 2017 thanks to a connection his Ability Links linker made with the Achilles Running Club in Sydney.  

Program with heart connects refugee women

Basima Zahrah’s life has undergone huge change since she was forced to leave her native country of Iraq in 2015. She escaped alone to Jordan with her four young children, three of whom live with disability.

Tamil community celebrates New Year and Easter at Community Kitchen

The SSI Community Kitchen at Auburn Centre for Community on April 19, was a combined celebration of Tamil New Year and Easter.

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