Pathways to Possibilities

Pathways to Possibilities

Harnessing the economic potential of people with disability

Learn about our project

There is a rich, untapped talent pool of around 113,000 Australians with a disability that are unemployed and looking for work. This presents a prime opportunity for employers to bridge the gap, leading to greater inclusivity and economic productivity.

The Pathways to Possibilities project acts as a call to action. SSI has undertaken extensive research, consulted businesses and organisations across a variety of sectors, and closely collaborated with people with lived experience to identify barriers and build best practices.

The goal is to instigate real change in our workplaces and improve the economic participation of people with disability.

To open up new benefits for businesses and employees alike, SSI has outlined four commitments for employers to follow:


Commitment #1

Put disability inclusion at the heart of your business


Commitment #2

Become disability confident


Commitment #3

Empower your leaders to drive change


Commitment #4

Create a safe, supportive and accommodating culture

Read the report

Pathways to Possibilities Report
Pathways to Possibilities Report

This report translates insights, data, and real life stories into tangible actions that can drive change in our workplaces and communities. It provides practical approaches for employers to maximise the skills and talents of people with disability by dismantling barriers to their employment.

Join us

As part of Pathways to Possibilities, SSI is managing a Community of Practice program for businesses and organisations to take part in.

The group will focus on building capacity, addressing challenges, sharing best practices, and developing inclusive employment strategies.

We invite you to express your interest in joining this dynamic and impactful community.

Current members of our Community of Practice are:

Australia Post
Crown Resorts
City of Sydney
Include Ability
Penrith City Council
Woolworths Group

Discover more resources

Employers can often feel overwhelmed on knowing how to best recruit and support staff with disability.

Learn how your business can unlock its full potential by visiting these crucial resources:

Australian Disability network
Australian Disability Network

A national not-for-profit that helps organisations engage with people with disability, focusing on building employer capacity and innovative projects that shape workplace access and inclusion.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Protects and promotes human rights in Australia and internationally. They offer resources to support people with disability looking for work, advancing their career, or thinking about self-employment.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Collates meaningful information and statistics for the benefit of the Australian people to provide stronger evidence for better decisions and improved health and welfare.

Council For Intellectual Disability
Council for Intellectual Disability

Advocates for people with intellectual disabilities to achieve change and empower individuals. They hold workshops, develop resources, and share stories to connect communities.

Disability Awareness
Disability Awareness

Provides online training that aims to build awareness and increase understanding around disability within workplaces, education, and communities.

Disability Gateway

Provides information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find relevant supports, including training courses, retention strategies, and employment rights.

Dream Employment Network (CYDA)

Bridges the gap between young jobseekers with disability and employers, building leadership skills, inclusive employment pathways, and leadership opportunities.

Job Access

Forms part of the Department of Social Services and provides comprehensive resources for people with disability, employers, and service providers alike, including information on workplace adjustments and recruitment strategies.

People With Disability Australia
People with Disability Australia

A leading disability rights and advocacy group, offering workshops, training activities and training packages to help improve knowledge and skills for individuals and organisations.

Purple Orange

A social profit organisation aimed at improving the lives of people with disability, putting together policy submissions and providing resources for employers such as guides on co-design.

Resourcing inclusive Communities
Resourcing Inclusive Communities

A Family Advocacy initiative that provides information, training and mentoring to ensure people with disability experience full and active participation in society. Specialised resources on customised employment and community connections are available.

Services Australia

Helps people with disability participate fully and meaningfully in the community, with information available on finding work, accessing advocacy organisations, and fostering social engagement.

People with Disability Australia

An alliance for women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals with disability, promoting rights via advocacy activities and fostering leadership journeys.

Take a look at our videos

SSI hosted the Pathways to Possibilities Symposium in February 2024, in partnership with Jobs Australia, National Disability Services (NDS), and the Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce.

We explored the current economic participation of people with disability and identified ways to drive meaningful change. Together with 165 attendees, the day’s discussions centred on the voices of those with lived experience.

Breaking barriers for disability employment - Pathways to Possibilities
Colin Entwistle - Head of Employment, NDS
Kyle Goldfinch - Screenwriter/Producer
Donna Purcell - Participant Advocate, NDIS
Carly Findlay - Writer and Disability Activist
Tim Ferguson - Comedian and Screenwriter
Abrahim Darouiche - Peer Worker, Diversity and Disability Alliance

Get in touch

To find out more about Pathways to Possibilities, please email:

If you have a general enquiry about SSI, please email:

To learn more about our disability services, please visit SSI’s local area coordination page.

Banner image: ‘Possum’ artwork by Bridget Kelly. Bridget is a Sydney-based artist specialising in drawing, painting, and screen-printing. Art has always been her passion and a powerful form of communication. In 2018, she won the Emerging Artist Prize at the Blooming Arts Exhibition, earning a mentorship at Sydney College of the Arts. Recently, she graduated from Sydney University’s Uni2Beyond program, furthering her visual arts education. Bridget exhibits in various galleries across Sydney and has a permanent installation in the Inner West.