Understand your rights as an NDIS participant and how to give feedback

We have created easy-to-understand resources in English, Khmer, Punjabi, Urdu and Vietnamese to enhance NDIS participants’ understanding of their rights and the quality of services they should expect from providers.

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Open the stakeholder kit

Stakeholder Kit
Stakeholder Kit

This stakeholder pack was developed to help NDIS providers, peaks and the sector to circulate and raise awareness about the rights of NDIS participants, especially amongst those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Stakeholders can use the information, guidance and resources available and strengthen feedback and complaints pathways, while promoting the rights of NDIS participants.

About The Rights Path Project

This project is designed to deliver robust choice and control focused outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people with disability through an approach that draws on their own experiences. SSI has worked closely with NDIS participants and providers across NSW, Queensland and Victoria to consult, co-design, test and disseminate relevant and accessible in-language resources.

The purpose of this project is to:

Develop resources in English, Khmer, Punjabi, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Icon depicting a person reading with a lightbulb next to them

Strengthen NDIS participants’ understanding of their rights and the quality they should expect of NDIS service providers.

Improve participant knowledge of how to make a complaint when they are not satisfied with services they receive.

magnifying glass icon

Work with NDIS providers to assist in meeting their responsibilities under the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

Icon with two hands fitting two pieces of a puzzle together

Encourage providers to connect, collaborate and form partnerships, share best practice, to strengthen their feedback and complaints pathways and promote participants rights by using the resources developed in this project.

Download in-language resources

Meet the participants

Showing 1 of 5 program resources

*Pseudonym used

Useful links

For NDIS participants and their supporters:

NDIS Commission

Click on the below link to go to the NDIS Commission complaint contact form:


  • Click here for complaints form
  • Call 1800 035 544, using Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) at 131 450 for assistance.
  • Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677.
  • National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
  • Make a complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman here


You can also make a complaint or share a compliment on the nTrustus digital complaints management system.

For providers:

Learn more about The Rights Path Project:

How did we create these resources?

We’ve adopted a human-centred co-design process, where SSI facilitators and participants worked closely together to explore feedback mechanisms within the NDIS service and support system. Workshops were conducted in English, with interpreters provided for participants with limited English language proficiency, and focused on the lived experiences of participants.

The consultation process

SSI engaged 18 Lived Experience Consultants both through online and face-to-face consultation workshops across NSW, QLD, and VIC to meet and consult with people with lived experience of disability. These consultations aimed to review the experiences of NDIS participants, their family members, and carers from the Khmer, Punjabi, Urdu, and Vietnamese-speaking communities. The focus areas included:

  • Accessing the NDIS
  • Understanding your rights
  • Providing feedback to NDIS providers

SSI also collaborated with NDIS providers to gain insights into their experiences working with and managing feedback from CALD participants. This collaborative effort aims to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the needs of CALD participants, facilitating better service delivery and support.

The co-design process

SSI engaged 17 lived experience consultants in both online and face-to-face co-design workshops. These sessions focused on collaboratively designing culturally appropriate content by receiving input and guidance from people with lived experience.

Get in touch

This project was funded by the Australian Government through the Support for NDIS Providers Grants Program administered by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

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