Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.


Photography workshop to help refugees and asylum seekers tell their stories

09 Oct 2015

Photography workshop to help refugees and asylum seekers tell their stories – Read More


From the CEO – refugees being welcomed

08 Oct 2015

From the CEO – refugees being welcomed – Read More


Men seeking asylum regenerate Australian bush and make new friends along the…

01 Oct 2015

Men seeking asylum regenerate Australian bush and make new friends along the way – Read More


VIDEO: SSI awarded for mental health approach

01 Oct 2015

VIDEO: SSI awarded for mental health approach – Read More


Sydney Writers Festival: young refugees tell their stories

28 Sep 2015

Sydney Writers Festival: young refugees tell their stories – Read More


Women Empowering Refugee Women, do just that

28 Sep 2015

Women Empowering Refugee Women, do just that – Read More


New Staples Bag is full of quality groceries, sold cheap

24 Sep 2015

New Staples Bag is full of quality groceries, sold cheap – Read More


Newcastle welcomes artists seeking asylum

21 Sep 2015

Newcastle welcomes artists seeking asylum – Read More

Media enquiries

Head of Executive Communications and Media

Hannah Gartrell
0423 965 956