Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.

Media releases

Online program helps traumatised refugees overcome mental health stigma

30 Jul 2019

Online program helps traumatised refugees overcome mental health stigma – Read More

Media releases

Lived experience shapes the future for disability service providers

25 Jul 2019

Lived experience shapes the future for disability service providers – Read More

Media releases

Inclusive Illawarra paves the way for disability employment

02 Jul 2019

Inclusive Illawarra paves the way for disability employment – Read More

Media releases

Australia must step up in response to record displacement

20 Jun 2019

Australia must step up in response to record displacement – Read More

Media releases

‘Share a meal, share a story’: celebrating refugee stories

16 Jun 2019

‘Share a meal, share a story’: celebrating refugee stories – Read More

Media releases

Social inclusion and diversity at the heart of upcoming TEDxSydney conference

23 May 2019

Social inclusion and diversity at the heart of upcoming TEDxSydney conference – Read More

Media releases

Award-winning social entrepreneur nourishes next generation of business women

12 May 2019

Award-winning social entrepreneur nourishes next generation of business women – Read More

Media releases

SSI expands employment services for people living in social housing

30 Apr 2019

SSI expands employment services for people living in social housing – Read More

Media enquiries

Head of Executive Communications and Media

Hannah Gartrell
0423 965 956