Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.


New arrivals create beautiful mosaic surfboard thanks to volunteer at Community Kitchen

28 May 2019

New arrivals create beautiful mosaic surfboard thanks to volunteer at Community Kitchen – Read More


Ability Links kicks goals for young refugees

23 May 2019

Ability Links kicks goals for young refugees – Read More

Media releases

Social inclusion and diversity at the heart of upcoming TEDxSydney conference

23 May 2019

Social inclusion and diversity at the heart of upcoming TEDxSydney conference – Read More


From the CEO: Walk together with courage

22 May 2019

From the CEO: Walk together with courage – Read More


Fostering NSW – Carers needed from all cultural backgrounds

15 May 2019

Fostering NSW – Carers needed from all cultural backgrounds – Read More


SSI foster carers share their stories

15 May 2019

SSI foster carers share their stories – Read More


A conversation with SSI’s Turkish Carers Support Group

15 May 2019

A conversation with SSI’s Turkish Carers Support Group – Read More


Newly arrived refugees celebrate first Australian Mother’s Day

15 May 2019

Newly arrived refugees celebrate first Australian Mother’s Day – Read More

Media enquiries

Head of Executive Communications and Media

Hannah Gartrell
0423 965 956