Help Gazan families at risk of homelessness in Australia. Donate to our Crisis Response Fund.

About Maternity Hubs

We are proud to partner with Metro South Health to deliver a community-based antenatal service for eligible newly arrived, refugee, and migrant woman living in Logan. 

The service is facilitated from the SSI Gateway and aims to improve birthing outcomes for babies born in Logan. Evidence shows that a woman who receives care from a Midwife throughout the duration of pregnancy and birth is more likely to have a normal birth of a healthy baby at term, have a more positive experience of labour and birth, be more satisfied with her care, and successfully breastfeed.  

We work closely with Midwives to provide wrap around support to women and families by linking them in with internal and external services for housing, employment, health and financial wellbeing support. 

How we help

We support pregnant women to access quality and comprehensive antenatal care.
We ensure coordinated care during and after childbirth, including access to birthing suites, postnatal care, and breastfeeding support.
We provide high quality healthcare that is responsive, sensitive and accepting of cultural needs and preferences.

Get in touch

If you would like more information, please speak with your GP about a Maternity Hub referral or email

Maternity Hub is co-located at the SSI Gateway.

SSI Gateway
91 Wembley Road Logan Central, QLD
Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
P: (07) 3412 8222

About SSI Gateway

In 2016, we heard the voices of the community and introduced a Gateway community space for locals to drop in and receive information, advice or referral.  

The Gateway continues to coordinate from an integrated response model, whereby local services outreach from the centre and collaborate on strategies around local community issues. We facilitate a number of internal programs for improving the economic and social participation of newly arrived communities. The SSI Gateway can be booked to run events and other community focused work.   

There are several large training rooms and small interview rooms available to hire via our external booking process. 

We developed The SSI Gateway, a community services building that can be booked and used by members of the community.
The space has been designed to be safe and welcoming for culturally and linguistically diverse and newcomer communities.
The SSI Gateway is used for corporate events, movie nights, community meetings, health checks and more.

Get in touch

To find out more about what’s on at SSI Gateway or to enquire about booking space for your next event/workshop/meeting, please either drop in, email or phone us:

SSI Gateway is located at 91 Wembley Road, Logan Central, QLD 

P: (07) 3412 – 8222 
Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

Stay connected and informed about news, stories, and opinion pieces by subscribing to our monthly newsletter, SSI News here


About Disability Employment Services (DES)

People living with disabilities have an enormous capacity to contribute to the community through work. The Disability Employment Services (DES) program is an Australian Government initiative which aims to remove the barriers that may stop a person with a disability, injury or health condition from participating in the workforce. We help you to prepare for, find, and keep a job. 

SSI is funded to deliver DES services on behalf of the government across NSW, and SSI business, Access Community Services, delivers services in QLD. We work with individuals who require both occasional and regular, ongoing support in the workplace to maintain employment. 

Australian Government Disability Employment Services
In Queensland, our DES services are delivered by Access Community Services Limited (ABN 45 149 783 639) a subsidiary of Settlement Services International Limited (ABN 38 031 375 761).

How we help

We listen to you and build up a picture of your needs and goals around work.
Our staff help you prepare for, apply for, and secure a job.
We ensure you have access to the workplace support you need for a fulfilling working life.

Get in touch

Disability Employment Services operates across NSW and QLD. 

P: 02 8713 9200 



Bankstown office 

L2/462 Chapel Rd, Bankstown NSW

Liverpool office 

L2/45-47 Scott St, Liverpool NSW 

Campsie office 

7/94-98 Beamish St, Campsie NSW

Campbelltown office 

Suite 2, L6/138-154 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW

Narellan office

2/39 Elyard St, Narellan NSW

Wed – Fri (9am – 5pm)


Goodna office

9 William St, Goodna QLD

Logan office

91 Wembley Rd, Logan Central QLD

Apply Now


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Please tell us about yourself

About 99 Steps program

At 99 Steps our team of domestic and family violence practitioners provide culturally responsive and trauma informed support to women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds experiencing domestic and family violence in the Logan and Beenleigh area.

99 Steps is a specialised service for women from refugee/asylum seeker backgrounds or women living in community on a temporary visa. We understand the unique barriers faced by women in diverse communities, and our mission is to empower and support them on their journey towards safety and healing.

How we can help

99 Steps can provide tailored support to meet the specific cultural and linguistic needs of women experiencing domestic and family violence:

Emotional Support

  • Building awareness of domestic and family violence
  • Education around healthy relationships
  • Empowering women to self-advocate
  • Fostering resilience through trauma informed practice

Practical Support

  • Safety/Exit planning
  • Referrals to crisis services and emergency shelters
  • Referrals to legal support services
  • Referrals to housing services
  • Referrals to case management services
  • Referrals to health and counselling services

Get in touch

To make an appointment:

P: (07) 3412 8282
Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

If you need urgent assistance, please phone 000. If you are in need of immediate safe accommodation, please phone DV Connect on 1800 811 811.

About In My voice

Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) can manifest differently in different migrant communities, highlighting the importance of culturally appropriate support services that recognise the diverse experiences of migrants and break down barriers to accessing support. In My Voice is a series of vignettes that tell the stories of DFV in different migrant communities in order to help start conversations amongst communities and service providers and inspire change. 

Each vignette tells a different story by Supporting U women leaders, painting a diverse picture of DFV in migrant and refugee communities. By amplifying the voices and experiences of survivors and women leaders, In My Voice helps to empower women survivors in diverse migrant communities. 

How we help

We develop strong relationships with female leaders within CALD communities from our Supporting U project who are trained as social responders to address issues of DFV.
We capture and share the leader’s valuable insights into DFV in their community through a series of vignettes and resources.
We work with communities and DFV service providers to widely share the In My Voice resources, to help start conversations and empower other DFV women victims/survivors.

We invite you to hear the stories on DFV from Africa, East Asia, Middle East, South-East Asia, South Asia, and Regional Australia. The videos are provided in English and other languages for your viewing. 

In My Voice vignettes

Showing 1 of 6 program resources

80% of women disclose their experience of DFV to family members, friends or community members. The Supporting U program engages women as trusted leaders, provides DFV and Learning circles, and trains the women leaders to become social responders.

Starting a conversation using the vignettes

After viewing the videos, we suggest using the prompts and questions in our In My Voice Training Package to start and guide discussions in communities and among DFV organisations 

The vignettes give us ice breakers and starting points for women who are not confident enough to start the conversation or those that need a softer way to deliver the message in a very clear manner” – Community Leader 

If you feel triggered by this material or would like advice around urgent DFV response or for DFV related counselling, you can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 

If you would like general mental health or crisis support, you can call LIFELINE (13 11 14) 

If you would like to use this material for commercial purposes, please seek permission from SSI. 

Get in touch


Should you have any comments, feedback, or questions about the vignettes, please contact us.


P: 02 8799 6700 

About Community Education Program

We understand that it can be challenging for refugees and humanitarian entrants to adapt to life in Australia. That is why we offer the Community Education program, which provides workshops and courses to help newcomers find their feet and engage with local communities.

Our courses aim to increase their knowledge of Australia and ability to navigate and access services. We offer courses such as driver literacy, public transport, housing, citizenship progression and support for exam preparation, and job seeking strategies. Join us and take the first step in making Australia feel like home!

How we help

We identity the skills and knowledge newcomers need to thrive in Australia
We create courses that meet their needs and that recognise their literacy levels and cultural backgrounds
We deliver the courses to enhance their overall settlement experience in Australia

Get in touch

Community Education is available in southern Queensland. 


P: 07 3412 9980 

About Multicultural Sports Club (MSC)

We believe sports and recreation are good for our health and can bring people together. Our Multicultural Sports Club in Logan has many activities for people from different cultures and backgrounds. We have activities like Family Football, Women’s Hub, Taekwondo, Youth Night, and more. 

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, including events like Learn to Surf, Paint and Chat, Talent Shows and Movie Nights. Our soccer groups are very popular, as well as other activities like martial arts, surfing and dance. 

How we help

We provide a hub where community members can come together around a shared interest.
Our team organises groups, activities and events that unite people and build bridges with the wider community.
We promote good health and wellbeing through sports and recreational activities to the community while building their skills.
MSC - Thriving Multicultural Women
MSC – Thriving Multicultural Women
MSC - Family Football
MSC – Family Football
MSC - Taekwondo
MSC – Taekwondo
MSC - Youth Night
MSC – Youth Night
MSC - Family Football
MSC – Family Football
MSC - Fitness Fusion
MSC – Fitness Fusion

2024 – Term 1 Dates

  • Thriving Multicultural Women: 2 February to 29 March
  • Family Football: 23 January to 27 March
  • South Region Taekwondo: 2 February to 29 March
  • Youth Night: 24 January to 28 March
  • Equality Music Project: From Friday 9 February

Get in touch

SSI’s Multicultural Sports Club is located at:

558 Kingston Road
Kingston, Queensland 4114

P: 0417 256 343



Instagram msc.qld

About the Health Impact Project

The first few years of an individual’s life are critical to their long-term health and wellbeing. The Health Impact Project aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children under eight and their caregivers.

Run through the SSI Community Hubs program in Logan, Queensland, the project identifies potential issues facing children and connects families to essential services. These services include paediatric first aid, clinical psychology, parenting information, and speech pathology and occupational therapy assessments. The program also coordinates available health services such as speech therapy, sports programs, dental treatments, and more.


Supporting your child to develop their eating skills
Supporting your child to develop their eating skills
Supporting your child to develop their finger skills
Supporting your child to develop their finger skills
Supporting your child to develop their play skills
Supporting your child to develop their play skills

How we help

We build rapport with caregivers attending the SSI Hub.
We help to identify any potential challenges or issues facing their children.
Staff direct the family to understand and access health services available to them.

Get in touch

The Health Impact Project is run through the Woodridge, Woodridge North, St Pauls, St Francis, and Marsden Community Hubs in Logan, Queensland.


P: 07 3412 9980

About MSW

We offer organisations an opportunity to book a wide range of highly skilled in-language and in-culture professionals. Our 170+ Multicultural Support Officers build trust and rapport through lived experience and shared culture. This enables them to connect more meaningfully by offering enhanced levels of support across 50+ different languages throughout NSW and Queensland. 


Multicultural Support Workforce brochure - NSW
Multicultural Support Workforce brochure – NSW

Our 170+ Multicultural Support Officers (MSOs) build trust and rapport through lived experience and shared culture. This enables them to connect more meaningfully by offering enhanced levels of support across 50+ languages throughout New South Wales.

How we help

Improving culturally responsive practices
Encouraging autonomy for CALD communities
Leveraging our ability to build trust and rapport through lived experience to improve outcomes

Benefits to your organisation

Embracing diversity and building cultural responsiveness is integral to every business and organisation. Developing and promoting engagement with culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) empowers your participants by establishing their autonomy to help them thrive and realise their full potential. In addition, your business or organisation can tap into the knowledge and understanding derived from our long history of serving multicultural communities and established relationships. 

Support provided by Multicultural Support Officers

In-language and in-culture services for activities such as:

  • Supporting individuals and families in the CALD community: including settlement orientation, form filling, building digital literacy and connecting communities with services and activities
  • Engagement, transport and supervision of children and young people in care
  • Workshop facilitation or support
  • Co-designing services, programs, and projects
  • Community Engagement: supporting business to connect to community

Specialist services

Our Multicultural Workforce includes Multicultural Support Officers who have acquired additional skills developed through study and experience in Australia and overseas.  

Our wide range of specialised skills include: 

  • Administration and customer support
  • Research and data collection (NSW only)
  • Case management
  • Accredited interpreting and translation
  • Tech support for online events
  • Events support
  • Complex case support
  • Specialised children and young people support (NSW Metro and Victoria Metro only)

How are our services offered?

There are several flexible ways that our Multicultural Support Officers can be engaged, including in-person and online, as well one-off or as an ongoing arrangement. They are based on an hourly rate, with a minimum engagement of three hours for in-person services and one hour for remote services. 

Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about how we can be of value to you:

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Please tell us about yourself.


BEMAC produces & stages multicultural artists from different cultural backgrounds.

As a registered charity and a subsidiary of SSI’s self-funded Arts and Culture program, BEMAC provides a platform for innovative multicultural arts in Queensland. We believe that the voices of Australia’s diverse artists enrich our culture and should be heard by everyone.

How we help

1. We stage ground-breaking art and music productions by artists from diverse cultural backgrounds.
2. We champion diverse artists and build skills through free artistic development programs.
3. We build an inclusive community around diverse arts by bringing people together.

Our principles

  • Courageous in creativity: We aim to support artists at all career and development stages, whose creative and professional aspirations are solidly grounded on the creation of original work of the highest quality and relevance possible.  
  • Determined in diversity: We aim to ensure that diverse stories, voices and expressions are duly represented and that they are embraced and welcomed into a platform of creativity, conversation and cross-pollination.
  • Enablers of change: We aim to drive positive social change towards the elimination of racism, discrimination and exclusion by fostering self-determination and cultural safety with the agency to freely express.

How to get involved

BEMAC’s inspiring and distinct lineup of passionate artists explores the depths of identity, migration, and multiculturalism. With courage, determination, and the desire to enable change, BEMAC sets the stage for a truly transformative experience.

Sign up to the BEMAC newsletter for latest updates about upcoming events, workshops, industry talks, open mic nights, live music and more.

Dive into the world of thought-provoking art in the heart of Brisbane! Find out about upcoming events.

Get in touch

Level 1/102 Main St, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169


P: (07) 3391 4433