Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) can manifest differently in different migrant communities, highlighting the importance of culturally appropriate support services that recognise the diverse experiences of migrants and break down barriers to accessing support. In My Voice is a series of vignettes that tell the stories of DFV in different migrant communities in order to help start conversations amongst communities and service providers and inspire change.
Each vignette tells a different story by Supporting U women leaders, painting a diverse picture of DFV in migrant and refugee communities. By amplifying the voices and experiences of survivors and women leaders, In My Voice helps to empower women survivors in diverse migrant communities.
How we help

We invite you to hear the stories on DFV from Africa, East Asia, Middle East, South-East Asia, South Asia, and Regional Australia. The videos are provided in English and other languages for your viewing.
In My Voice vignettes
Showing 1 – of 6 program resources

Starting a conversation using the vignettes
After viewing the videos, we suggest using the prompts and questions in our In My Voice Training Package to start and guide discussions in communities and among DFV organisations.
The vignettes give us ice breakers and starting points for women who are not confident enough to start the conversation or those that need a softer way to deliver the message in a very clear manner” – Community Leader
If you feel triggered by this material or would like advice around urgent DFV response or for DFV related counselling, you can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732).
If you would like general mental health or crisis support, you can call LIFELINE (13 11 14)
If you would like to use this material for commercial purposes, please seek permission from SSI.
Get in touch
Should you have any comments, feedback, or questions about the vignettes, please contact us.