We want to hear from you
We welcome feedback and/or complaints from the people we support, their families, carers, other agencies, and the public. Your opinion is key to ensuring we continue to improve and provide the best possible service.
We want you to be confident that you can give feedback about our services, or raise a concern, and know that it will be treated in a timely, fair, and transparent way.
Fill out our online form
Complete our online form
Download and fill one of our forms
Email us
Send an email to feedback@ssi.org.au
Call 1800 916 857
Ring our complaints and feedback number
Write to us
2/158 Liverpool Road
Ashfield, NSW 2131
Visit one of our offices
Make a complaint in person
Visit our Contact us page for a list of our offices
If you need language support, please reach out to:
- Automated Telephone Interpreting Services (ATIS) – Ph. 1800-131-450
- ATIS is an automated immediate interpreting service for agency clients who need to access a phone interpreter
- Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) – Ph. 131-450
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please reach out to:
- National Relay Services (NRS) Calls
- TTY/Voice – Ph. 133-677
- Speak and Listen – Ph. 1300-557-727
- SMS Relay – Ph. 0423-677-767
How we will respond

When your feedback is received, we will acknowledge receipt of it to you. If you have a complaint, we will investigate and aim to resolve it to your satisfaction as quickly as possible. The resolution will depend on the nature of the complaint and the actions required.
We will keep you or the complainant informed during the resolution process and, as is appropriate, what we will do to prevent it from happening again.
If we can’t resolve your complaint, we’ll explain why and let you know your other options. If you are unhappy with the outcome, we can help you to escalate the matter within SSI or make a complaint to an external organisation.
Please keep in mind, if you provide feedback or a complaint to us via posted letter it may take us longer to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
Is my complaint private?
We are committed to maintaining your privacy and confidentiality.
When you make a complaint, you can choose to remain anonymous. SSI always tries to resolve a complaint at the local level. If you don’t want to speak to our staff, or the local manager, you can tell us that in the complaint and we will determine the best person for you to speak to.
We will only tell people who need to know to help us fix the problem.